Dating Airline Pilots - Tips and Advice

Airline pilots are people who lead a jet-setting life, literally. They have great pay, amazing company in the form of attractive-looking cabin crew and can fly all across the world. And yet it is not always smooth sailing, either for the pilots or their partners. So if you are keen to date someone from this professional class, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Married to the job
One of the first things you have to understand about dating an airline pilot is that their working schedules can be unpredictable. This is unlike dating military personnel who are away for almost a year but then come back to stay with their families for a couple of months or so. On the other extreme are nine-to-five jobs where couples, no matter how busy they are during the day, can see each other at the end of it. An airline crew’s job falls somewhere in between and brings the disadvantages of both. They are absent long enough to miss important occasions in their personal lives but then not present long enough to work at renewing the bonding with their significant others. Pilots seem to be flying in and out of their partner’s lives all the time, which makes it all even more unsettling. Unlike truck driving, where it's perfectly feasible for a spouse to tag along, since non-pilots are not allowed in cockpits of commercial flights, it's really not feasible for spouses of pilots to go with them on all their journeys. If you are the kind of person who likes to feel emotionally and physically close to a partner, you will let in yourself for a difficult time if you start dating an airline pilot. Rather you should also have a career you're passionate about to occupy your time while your spouse is away. Keep yourself busy until your pilot partner gets back, so that you have plenty to talk about when you are together again.
Live the good life
However one way that most airline pilots are able to compensate for their physical absence is by offering their partners a grand social life when they are back. Airline pilots are one of the professional groups which make a good deal of money. If you are lucky to have one as a partner you can sit back and enjoy the nice places they take you out to dine or the lovely presents they shower on you. However you also have to remember that not all pilots take home the same kind of pay check; those who are just starting their careers may be under a lot of debt since flying schools are insanely expensive. Indeed it is only as they get promoted from first officer to captain and as they begin to fly the really big jets like 747, 777 and 380, that they begin to make good money.
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Spruce yourself up
Airline pilots are constantly surrounded by attractive men and women in the form of cabin crew. If you need to catch the attention of a potential partner, you may need to work on your appearance. It is not just enough to have a nice figure or gorgeous hair – you need to be able to carry yourself well and move gracefully so that the entire appearance is worth a serious second look. At the same time, you need to offer something extra – in the way of intelligent conversation, professional excellence or even an interesting personality – which will set you apart from the merely good-looking people that your date is working with the whole day.
Have a social life of your own
If you are dating an airline pilot, don’t depend on him/her to provide the main fillip to your social life. Apart from the fact that they may be out flying on many evenings, they may also be catching up on their sleep or working off their jet lag, even when in town. So make sure you have lots of friends and hobbies of your own to occupy your time while your pilot significant other is at work and while you're not on the job. Go out with your pals, co-workers or indulge in interesting hobbies so that you don’t feel sorry for yourself sitting at home on weekends.
Be wary of competition
Airline pilots are sometimes known to get involved in affairs and relationships with pretty airhostesses or stewards. This doesn’t happen all the time. Yet the very fact that they spend long hours working with attractive men and women and are away from home for nights together creates conditions which are ideal for slipping up. Think about it - pilots have a hotel room paid for by the airline and are in a new city without family or friends; so if they invite over a pretty airhostess, who is to know. However things have become far stricter now – the airlines keep an eye on how much their staff is drinking and everyone is quite wary of rules about sexual harassment. But all said and done, if you are dating an airline pilot or wish to, keep in mind that the temptation will always be there – it’s really up to the pilot to decide how to handle attention from all quarters.
On the top of the world
Every job brings with it, its own set of problems – airline pilots have it too. And yet partners of this important professional group have a lot to look forward to. Airline pilots bring home great pay which means that their families can have a comfortable standard of living. Pilots can fly with their partners – as free passengers – to many parts of the world. And when you get several days off together, you can club it all into a wonderful vacation. However in order to enjoy life with an airline pilot fully, it is best you have a strong network of friends, family and co-workers too. Once you are independent and confident in your own social and professional life, dating an airline pilot will become all the more fun and fulfilling.
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