5 European Countries with the Most Beautiful Women

Beauty is a highly subjective matter; the old adage, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, is no less true when it comes to women. And yet the female group in certain ethnicities and nationalities possess certain genetic traits which conform to the popular notions of beauty. Still others benefit from a long, high tradition of style and personal grooming in their culture so that despite regular physical traits, they may have a charm, a presence that is highly attractive. Based on the mainstream notions of beauty, here are five European countries whose women are highly prized the world over.

TIP: This website has many beautiful European women looking for wealthy men to date.

  1. Spain

    Apart from its rich cultural heritage and fantastic landscape, Spain is known for its smoking hot senoritas. Women from Spain consistently feature among the most attractive faces in the world of fashion and entertainment. They have a stunning, olive complexion that is a gift of many of the Mediterranean people. To add to their charming physical traits, Spanish ladies are endowed with beautiful raven hair, well complemented by their dark, lustrous eyelashes. You only have to look at stars like Penelope Cruz to know that Spanish women are known the world across for their gorgeous beauty.

    However one of the most attractive physical features of Spanish women is their full-sized figure which gives them a sensual appeal. But what makes the overall package even more irresistible is the fact that Spanish women actually like how they look. While women in most western societies are obsessive about attaining size-zero figures, Spanish women are more self-assured and thus sassier about their feminine figures. The British daily The Telegraph has an interesting article1 on how Spanish women as opposed to British women are more comfortable with their fuller figures. The article quotes a survey conducted by the Spanish government, which reveal that seven out of 10 Spanish women are satisfied with their bodies, compared to which only a measly 2 per cent of British women were reportedly happy with their shapes. The article not only draws on the Spanish cultural associations of fuller figures with good health and fertility but also makes an interesting association of anorexic, stick-thin female figures in western societies with the dominant Puritan tradition and its values like self-denial and even a kind of self-flagellation. Indeed the Spanish love of shapely figures goes all the way to the top since its government was one of the first in the world to ban size zero models on the catwalk in 2006.

    TIP: Match.com has millions of beautiful women from all over the world looking for men to date.
  2. Italy

    Famed for their sense of style and attractive looks, Italian women figure on the dating wish-list of almost every other guy. Almost everyone knows that Italians are fashion conscious but here trends are led more by the women than the men. After all this is the land of the Versace, Armani and Prada. The dark southern beauty of Italian women is well complemented with a great figure and the whole package is stunning when wrapped in the designer clothes and accessories that Italy is globally famous for. One has only to look to Hollywood which has been left gasping by stunning Italian beauties like Monica Belluci and Gina Lolobrigida but somehow never managed to win over them completely.
  3. Sweden

    Located in the breathtaking landscape of Scandinavia, Sweden boasts not only if a high quality of living and technological progress but is also the land of the famed Nordic beauty. In fact Swedish women are among the most attractive in the world and the country has been voted second on the Top Ten Cities With The Most Beautiful Woman, compiled by The Traveller’s Digest2. A visitor to Stockholm may well find the streets packed with these gorgeous women, who are as tall as they are luscious. This is addition to their golden hair, ocean-blue eyes and porcelain complexion and you have all the makings of a Scandinavian goddess. However for those of you planning to call your travel agent for your next vacation in Sweden, keep in mind that beneath her attractive blonde looks, a Swedish woman has a razor-sharp mind. Most Swedes are well-educated and they are among the most liberal people in the world. So if you want to impress a Swedish girl, verbally engage with her on issues like the environment, social betterment and gender equality. Better still give evidence of your intellectual, secular side than vehemently expressing your support for conservative faiths and orthodox religions.

  4. Russia

    Russian women are famed for being some of the most attractive in the world – whether they are into sports like Anna Kournikova or from the exciting world of espionage like Anna Chapman. Even at the risk of generalizations, it may be safe to say that Russian women are strikingly beautiful. Their light hair, long and slender bodies are nicely complemented by rosy cheeks, thanks to near-arctic temperatures in the country. Even more fascinating are their eyes which can range from almond brown to ocean-blue in color. What’s more Russian women are not shy of making the best of their looks. Even though freezing temperatures in winter make wearing skimpy outfits practically impossible, still you will find young Russian women turn out in leather jackets, fur-lined coats and knee-length boots, all the time looking like models from the ramp. In summer on the other hand they are likely to be seen in revealing clothes, highlighting their svelte figures and peach complexions to the best advantage.

    At the same time Young Russian women make serious attempts to maintain their looks. In Russia one will rarely see a ladies walk about in dirty sweatshirts and frayed jeans. Women practically never step out of their houses without the right makeup or nicely-styled hair. Russian women take pride in their appearance and use it to their best advantage. Thus if you are planning to have a relationship with a woman here, ensure that you can afford the clothes, accessories and makeup that such high-maintenance ladies are used to.
  5. France

    Finally how can any discussion on beauty and women draw to a close without mention of the French. In popular imagination, French is a byword for everything sophisticated and stylish, artistic and sensual. You only need to take one look at the women dressed in elegant and attractive clothes walking down the Champs Elysees to understand why the French are considered to be trendsetters in fashion and style. But the real secret behind the classy looks of French women is that they always know what works for them individually. French women dress beautifully but they are never fashion victims. When dressing, they have a devastating ability to make accessories count. They don't spend much on make-up but they will spend vast amounts on skin-care with the result that whatever they turn out in, looks perfect on their bodies.

    Most attractive of all the sense of sophistication they exude Your French female friend may smoke twenty cigarettes a day, but incredibly look none the worse for it. Also French middle-class and career women sip and never drink. You will never see a French woman drunk and throwing up on the rear alley of a bar. Whatever their habits and actions, it is all executed in a classy and utterly feminine manner and herein lies the secret of their charm.


  1. The Telegraph - UK women can learn from Spanish señoritas
  2. Mail Online - Wondering where to book your holidays? Ukrainian and Swedish women named as the world's most beautiful