Sagittarius - Aquarius Love Compatibility

Placed at the ninth and eleventh positions in the zodiac system, Sagittarius and Aquarius have a lot in common – both in terms of personal traits and life values. The two are thus highly compatible as romantic partners even though they might need to watch out for a few rough patches.
The essential characteristic binding the two signs is a desire for discovering the unknown. Both signs delight in ranging through the realm of ideas and philosophies in order to usher in new ways of thinking, living and doing. Both like to explore new perspectives, places and people even though in the case of the Sagittarius this usually takes a physical dimension as evident from their love of travel. All these interest form a crucial bond between two signs, joining the Sagittarius and Aquarius in their shared love for new thoughts and experiences. This is unlike when a Sagittarius is paired with an earth sign like the Capricorn or Virgo which pins down the Archer to a more grounded and materialistic view of life. Again with a water sign, the Sagittarius might have found him/herself being swept away in a tide of emotions rather than finding a companion for their romantic adventures.
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Then again both Sagittarius and Aquarius are highly individualistic signs. Both are fiercely protective of their personal freedom and dislike any attempt to hold them down to conventional notions of loyalty and faithfulness. Thus in a relationship between a Sagittarius and an Aquarius, each partner is likely to pursue his/her own lifestyle, social life as well as life goals. The best part of this equation however is that neither is keen on forcing the other to follow his/her own way of living and thinking. Unlike a sign like the Capricorn or Scorpio which can exert a tenacious influence on a partner, both the Sagittarius and Aquarius are content to ‘live and let live’.
However despite sharing several crucial similarities, the Sagittarius and Aquarius might find their relationship lacking in certain aspects. The most crucial among these is perhaps the absence of a deeper emotional connection which is usually responsible for grounding a relationship into mutual commitment. Neither the Archer nor the Water-Bearer is particularly given to an intimate exchange of feelings and emotions. As a result their relationship could suffer from superficiality and change according to changing circumstances. This would not have happened if either partner was a water sign since they are anchoring the relationship in emotional belonging. At the same time, the Sagittarius-Aquarius pair might also find the practical business of daily living a headache since neither of them is particularly responsible or blessed with practical sense.
And yet the above differences are not something that cannot be overcome with a little tact and will-power - attributes that the Sagittarius and Aquarius are imbued with because of their respective mutable and fixed qualities.
Sagittarius Man and Aquarius Woman
The male Archer will be delighted to find in the Aquarius woman a willing companion for all this adventurous activities and interests. She in turn will be impressed by the fertile intellect of the former which can grasp and discuss new thoughts and ideas. Both will love having long, animated discussions and love experimenting with the latest trends and sciences. This shared focus is an extremely important factor in bringing and especially keeping two people together.
Also it will not be long before the Sagittarius and Aquarius partners come together in love. Both are game for new and varied experiences and, unlike the cautious Capricorn or shy Virgo, will be only too willing to take their relationship to an intimate level. Their lovemaking might not have the raw passion of the earth sign or other fire signs, but what they lack in sensuality they will more than make up by their fiery enthusiasm and sizzling energy.
Despite the initial chemistry and a companionship based on shared interests, the couple might find themselves facing a few obstacles down the line. One of the most crucial among these is a lack of substance in the relationship; both signs might be great at coming up with exciting ideas but lack the psychological resources to translate them into practical action.
Sagittarius Woman and Aquarius Man
Here too the attraction of the undiscovered world of intellect and action will probably take the lead in drawing the two signs to each other. Both the female Archer and the male Water Bearer will find in one another the ideal companion for their intellectual wanderings and adventures. Unlike other staid personalities like the Capricorn or Taurus, the female Archer will enjoy the unconventionality of her Aquarius man while he will be inspired by the drive and lively optimism of his partner. Also neither will be jealous of the other’s socializing with members of the opposite sex and will allow each other plenty of breathing space.
Along the way however a few differences could crop up between the couple. The Sagittarius woman is moved by a deep sense of humanity in a lot of what she thinks and does and she might be irritated by the purely abstract nature of the Aquarian’s philosophies and thought systems. He on the other hand is given to bouts of solitary moodiness and might be at times unwilling to go out and socialize with her and their mutual friends. Also the Water-Bearer is not as keen as the Archer to visit new places and cultures and his form of adventure is more intellectual than physical. Finally the couple needs to inculcate a deeper sense of emotional belonging if their relationship is to be lasting as well as satisfactory.
However in the end both signs have much more important similarities than differences and they can count on these to provide the foundation of a fulfilling as well as enduring relationship.
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