How to Make a Girl Miss you

In these times of speed dating and Facebook breakups, being out of sight of your partner can get you ‘out of mind’ pretty soon. But it is equally true that being apart for some time can help your relationship grow stronger as well. So if you find that you have to be away from your girlfriend for some time or just want to figure more often in her thoughts, here are a few ways to make her miss you and raring to get back into your arms.
Lay the foundation
Firstly build the basics of your attraction so that when they are withdrawn, your girl will realize that she is missing something. Get to know what she likes, what she dislikes, her favorite interests, the activities she enjoys best. Girls love to talk about themselves, so this shouldn’t be too diffiuclt. However once you have had a fair idea of her interests, it is necessary to act on them as well. For instance she likes some specific songs, download them and burn into a CD so as to make a thoughtful gift for her. Then again if she happens to confide about a favorite baseball player, see if you can get hold of gloves or baseball cards signed by the player. The key to all this is to listen carefully, ask further question and then show in your gestures that whatver she says is important to you. This way, when all this attention stops, your girlfriend will wake up to the fact that she misses you.
Make her feel like a queen
The secret to making a girl miss you is to lavish all your love on her and make her feel that she is the only one for you. Every girl likes to know that she is special to someone since it enhances her feelings of self-worth and attraction. So be pleasant around her and ensure that she finds you great fun to be with. This way when she no longer gets your company, she will know what she is missing.
Plan to be away for a while
Once you have laid the groundwork, make yourself scarce for a while. If the girl works with you and you see her everyday, consider taking a day off without her knowing. If she goes to school with you, try to be absent for a couple of days. In other words, be absent from what would be an everyday encounter. This way the next time you see her, she will have realized she missed you and will want to talk to you more.
Do something special
In the days leading to your parting, do something special with yourself. Splash on a sexy cologne or wear an outfit that suits you particularly. Don’t get all sentimental and weepy just because you are going to be away from each other. Instead highlight some particular aspect about your appearance or behavior that she finds attractive so that she keeps thinking about it for the time that you two are apart.
Leave a piece of yourself with her
If you are in a relationship with this girl, you could do even a bit more to make sure she misses you. For instance before you part, make sure you leave your girlfriend with something small but significant to remind her of you. You could for instance “forget” your watch or your favorite book in a place where she is sure to find it. Alternately keep some reminders of the wonderful times you have had with each other. Make little notes saying “remember the time…” and hide them in unexpected places. Or leave some photos in her notebook which bring back memories of all the exciting and romantic moments you have spent with each other.
Go incommunicado for a while
Whether you want a special girl in your life to miss you or wish your girlfriend to think of you with renewed longing, once you are away, don’t start calling or texting her as soon as you are out of sight. On the other hand, if she calls you while you are doing something – even as simple as watching a TV show or chatting with a friend – let the phone go to voicemail and call her back at your leisure. Think of all the times when you probably called her and had to wait for hours before getting to hear from her. You are not an emergency worker and as long as you both don’t have plans, feel free to wait for few hours before getting back to her.
Write her a letter
If you are going to be away for more than a couple of days, consider writing a love letter for your girl. While cell phones and emails are excellent ways of being in touch all the time, there is nothing quite like a hand-written letter to stir up feelings of romantic desire. Quote lines from her favorite love poetry and spritz on your signature cologne to make it more intimate. And then see if your girlfriend doesn’t take the next flight back to you!
Have fun on your own
Whether you are trying to make a new girl think about you or have been in a relationship for some time, making someone miss you is one of the most effective ways of stopping yourself from being taken for granted. Leave for a weekend trip with the guys and when away, be sure your girl knows you are having fun. Alternately, go dancing, dining, catch the new movie or wander around the museum even when you are by yourself. When you do this for a few times, your girlfriend is sure to miss your company and may even take the initiative of doing something exciting together.
Be wary of using jealousy
When you are apart, let your girlfriend know that you are having a good time but as far as possible, avoid using jealousy to make her miss you. Don’t recount stories – true or otherwise – about how girls have been vying for your attention while you two have been apart. Far from making her jealous and rush back to you, this may backfire and lead her to feel insecure. She may be lead to believe that you can't be trusted on your own.
The key to make a girl miss you lies in reminding her of how much fun and exciting it is to be with you. So put the time spent away from each other to good use and make her miss you more than ever.
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