Dating in Los Angeles - Dating Opportunities for Single Men and Women in Los Angeles

Los Angeles has more influence over pop culture and societal trends in general than any other city in existence. Living in a city that leads the entire Earth in the production of movies, music, television shows and video games pretty much puts you square in the center of media and entertainment, which some might argue rules the world. Los Angeles is the place that everyone looks to when deciding how to be cool, and people try to be cool so that they can get the hottest date possible. You get the luxury of cutting out the middle man and getting the hottest date possible in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles county is extremely multicultural, with very big Hispanic and Asian populations, making it one of few “majority-minority” areas in the United States, with Caucasians making up less than 50% of the total population 1 . If you're in the rut of dating only people of your own race, I would suggest broadening your horizons in The City of Angels and giving everyone a shot, as the cultural melting pot offered there is one unlike that offered in any other American city, which is to say that the differences between ethnicities in a city such as L.A. may not be so prevalent as you might have imagined. You shouldn't date anyone you're not interested in, but culturally Los Angeles offers up more options than most cities and sometimes having a selection of different types of people to date can be nice.

Unlike other major cities in the United States like New York and Chicago, Los Angeles doesn't have an established “downtown” area where the population and businesses are more densely packed than elsewhere in the city. This can make it a bit more difficult to find good central places to meet up with people that will require minimal commute from all parties. Because of this, residing or hanging out in the right area of Los Angeles can make all the difference. If you're looking for the younger more “hipster” crowd then Hollywood is the best area for you. You'll find tons of aspiring actors and agents there as well as legions of kids leading the latest movements in style and desirability. Hermosa Beach is somewhat comparable as far as the usual age bracket, though stylistically the population there tends to be a bit more casual. Studio City has an older and more professional crowd that might make sense for those of you seeking something more serious more quickly, as opposed to casually dating until the right person emerges. Santa Monica and Westwood provide atmospheres with a lot of college students. Being in the right place to find the types of people that you're looking for in Los Angeles is always a good idea.

Take acting classes. Even if you're not dying to become a celebrity, acting classes are one of the best environments in the world for meeting extremely attractive individuals, and Los Angeles is a leader in building up aspiring actors. Acting classes are worth the cost if for no other reason than to let your jaw drop at the sight of countless gorgeous individuals, and conversations in an acting class atmosphere flow very casually as well as everyone is there for the same reason.

A good date idea in L.A. that won't cost you any money is a trip to the Griffith Observatory. This observatory commands an impressive view of the entire Los Angeles Basin and can allow you to view the universe in a way that may just blow your mind. If you haven't been there, then you need to, and if you have been there then it's still a great idea for a date as it creates somewhat of a romantic vibe for you and your partner to bask in and it also romances your wallets.

Big, highly populated, modern and glamourized cities like Los Angeles offer better pools for online dating than other areas. Rural midwestern or southeastern town often have somewhat conservative populations, who are often more traditional when it comes to dating and less willing to try out the “nerdy” or “creepy” world of online dating. Almost all cities consist of fewer total people than LA, making the online dating field on the whole consideribly smaller and trying to find a good match pretty frustrating. Los Angeles will offer up literally tens of thousands of singles looking to get dates the easy way while they spend their normal day to day lives focusing on their careers and aspirations rather than meeting potential romantic interests. Take advantage of this, as Los Angeles may well be the best city in the country for getting effortless encounters with attractive individuals through the internet, which is the best blind date hookup in the world. It can't do any harm to at least set up a couple profiles on free dating sites and the attention you receive might just make your day.

Los Angeles is a city which plays an integral role in making the world churn. The art, whether it's in the form of zombie smashing video games or “filthy humor” based movies, that comes from L.A. is a driving force behind humanity. That kind of power is pretty impressive, and you are fortunate enough to live right in the midst of it. Be a part of what makes Los Angeles the place to be for all things suave, and go get exactly the person you want.


1. U.S. Census Bureau's 2008 Community Survey