Dating Highly Paid Professionals in USA

Partners who are smart and financially stable are among the most sought after on the dating scene. Apart from taking you out in style, they make for stimulating conversationalists and an asset to show off to friends and family. Here is a brief guide to the best paid professionals in USA and how you can date them.

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Dating Doctors

Doctors make up one of the highest-paid professional groups in USA, earning even more than engineers and college teachers in general. However within this group too, there is a wide range of income depending on the kind of discipline a doctor has specialized in. According to the US Department of Labor, doctor’s salaries are separated into the following specialty areas: Anesthesiologists, Family and General Practice, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, General Internists, Surgeons, Podiatrists and Psychiatrists. Among these, cardiac surgeons and anesthesiologists take home the biggest earnings while the salaries of general practitioners and podiatrists comparatively lesser than other specialists. Evidence of this disparity comes from 2003 statistics compiled by US Department of Labor which reveals that the average salary of general and family practitioner in the USA is $139,640 a year while an anesthesiologist on an average makes around $184,880 a year. A cardiac surgeon in particular appears to be the crème de la crème of the American medical profession with their annual earning reaching up to $400,000 a year. A doctor’s earnings would also depend on the area of their medical practice; The best paying states for surgeons for example in the US are New Hampshire and Nebraska while general physicians in Nevada can expect to get a higher pay packet than even some specialists. While all this may sound very tempting, it is better to keep in mind that when dating a doctor, you would be expected to cope with your partner’s odd working hours and calls for emergencies.

Dating Lawyers

The legal business is undoubtedly one of the best paid in USA, evident if from nothing else then from the plethora of lawyers’ jokes which poke fun at their fat salaries and supposed incompetence. Nevertheless, the presence of excellent law schools in the US as well as a culture of litigation in America has spawned some of the sharpest legal minds in the country which are also among the highest paid. And even though a lawyer’s final income depends on their field of expertise, reputation, years of experience and geographical location, most are believed to take home paychecks running into six figures. In fact according to 2008 figures from the US Department of Labor, the median annual wages of all wage-and-salaried lawyers was $110,590. But top firms in cities like New York and Washington D.C are reported to start salaries for first year associates at $160,000 plus a yearend bonus. However despite being showered with expensive gifts and dining at exclusive destinations, you might find that dating a lawyer also involves frequent absences and a very busy work schedule for your partner.

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Dating Geeks

If you think that a geek is good enough for simply fixing the virus on your laptop, think again. Software professionals and internet entrepreneurs are among the richest singles in America today and what’s more they are also among the youngest. Mark Zuckenburg is currently the youngest single billionaire on the planet, according to the Forbes 2009 list of the super-rich. There are several others like gaming mogul John Vechey who owes his $60 million fortune to PopCap Games and Alexander Levin who at just 25 is best known for having launched the popular hosting tools Wordpress and Imageshack which are now two of the biggest revenue earners on internet with annual revenue of $57 million and $56 million respectively. So if you don’t mind a bit of social awkwardness from your partner and are willing to put up with their bizarre working hours, dating a computer whiz can be a hugely fulfilling experience. Of course the ones who have already made their billions are going to be out of your reach. Look for geeks on the way up.

Dating Finance professionals

Finance professionals like bankers, portfolio managers and insurers are among the best-paid professionals in the American economy for the obvious reason that they are the ones who in charge of managing and multiplying the wealth of the some of the richest people on earth. Despite the serious knocks that the American finance industry took in the 2008 recession, salaries and bonuses have bounced back in the industry thus belying expectations of pay reform and lower wages as the economy continues with its weak recovery. In fact according to a news report1 in The Guardian, a Wall Street survey of more than three dozen banks, hedge funds, money-management and securities firms shows that they will pay $144 billion in salaries and benefits this year, a jump of 4% from last year. This despite profits having dipped in the banking sector by 3% from 2009.

Dating Managers

The corporate sector is yet another source of wealth in America. Chief executive officers on an average make around $160,440 in the US, even though this figure would depend on the size of the company as well as the nature of the appointment. For instance while Computer and Information Technology managers took home an average 2004 income of $92,570 USD and marketing managers, made around $87,640 USD in the same year, business managers fared slightly better with average annual salary of $140,350 USD in 2004. Dating a corporate honcho might get you that vacation on a private island and a five-figure gift check from Tiffany’s, but it is also likely to bring the complexities of a high-stress job.

Dating Pilots

The airline and space industries also figures among the best paymasters of the US economy. An American pilot, co-pilot and an airline engineer can expect to earn around $129,250 USD, according to the 2004 statistics. Salary figures for the same year indicate that air traffic controllers also took home six-figure paychecks reaching up to $102,030 USD per year, while astronomers earned an average of $97,320 USD. Apart from the glamour and a high-flying social lifestyle associated with a pilot, dating such a person can also help you to see many parts of the world. The only disadvantages however are an irregular work schedule as well as an inordinate length of time spent with other cabin crew members.

While all the above professions come with fat paychecks, each has its own complexities in the nature of work schedules and stress triggers. The challenge is to balance the latter with the comforts and security that dating someone from any of these professions entails.

