How to Meet and Date Rich Men in Denmark?

Denmark is one of the most developed countries in Europe, but even more important is the fact that Danes consistently rank as one of the happiest people in the world too. This is largely due to a large welfare state as well as one of the highest rates of income equality in the world. So if you are looking for a partner who is as satisfied as he is well-off, Denmark would be a good place to kickstart your search.

Get to know the shipping magnates

Despite its relatively smaller size, Denmark has one of the world’s largest shipping industries. Home to the world’s largest shipping company, A.P. Møller-Mærsk Group, and other major players like Torm, DFDS, J. Lauritzen, Svitzer and Norden, Denmark is a world-renowned and highly international hub for all types of shipping activities. The size and importance of Danish shipping on an international scale is best illustrated by the fact that the fleet operated by Danish shipping companies’ transports approximately 10 percent of all globally traded goods. Also the strong naval traditions in Denmark have led to a broad range of advanced technology solutions for the maritime industry. There are various Danish high-tech companies like Thrane&Thrane, Logimatic and Blueline which have origins in the maritime industry and are committed to developing advanced software and IT solutions for logistics, fleet maintenance and procurement for the shipping industry. Thus if you are interested in meeting the rich Danes, you need to look out for wealthy businessmen or highly-skilled professionals related to the shipping industry. Apart from the capital city Copenhagen where most of the business transactions take place, you can also visit the watering holes at important port cities like Esbjerg Harbor, Hårbølle, Klintholm Havn and Korshavn.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many rich men from Denmark looking for women to date and marry.

Meet the movers and shakers of the food industry

Denmark is one of the foremost exporters of food and dairy items in the world. Even though it does not have extensive farming areas, agriculture and rural businesses like dairy farming have been traditional constituents of the Danish economy. Today agriculture and food are Denmark’s largest industry and innovation grouping, employing some 150,000 people and exporting agricultural products, food and equipment to an annual value of approximately 15 billion Euros. Thus one of the most successful groups of population is likely to be involved in food-based and agricultural business. And while to come across them you may be required to go out of the urban limits, see it as an opportunity not only to interact with potential successful partners but also to have a pleasant stay in the lovely countryside.

Ring up the hi-tech guys

The modern Danish economy is no longer dependent on traditional businesses like shipping and agriculture. In recent times, Denmark has emerged as one of the one of the top locations in the world for Information and Communications Technology activities and investments, and is praised as the best test market in the world. So make it a point to chat up the computer wizards and highly skilled engineers of this sector and you are sure to find yourself a successful potential partner. Apart from these there are several grades of highly qualified scientists and researchers working in the thriving Research & Development sector of the Danish economy. If you are keen to meet this highly-qualified and well-paid class of professionals, make it a point to hang out at their place of work. Denmark has several science and technology parks as well as business tech parks; some of these are the Danish Science Park Horsholm at Horsholm, the International Science Park Fyn at Odense, the CAT Science Park Center for Advanced Technology at Roskilde as well as several business parks in Sonderborg, Bogense and Esbjerg.

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Chat up the energy barons

Energy is yet another important sector of the Danish economy. Denmark has considerable sources of oil and natural gas in the North Sea and ranks as number 32 in the world among net exporters of crude oil. However in modern times, Denmark has been relying less on energy produced from coal and natural gas and looking more at renewable energy options. The country has long been a leader in the generation of wind power which today contributes to around 20% of domestic power requirements. As of May 2011 Denmark derived 3.1 percent of its Gross Domestic Product from Clean energy technology and energy efficiency which in turn came up to around 6.5 billion Euros or $9.4 billion USD. Thus if you can get to meet entrepreneurs or professionals involved in the energy sector, you stand quite a good chance to jumpstart your social life to a roaring success.

Frequent upscale hangouts

Now that you know which kinds of professionals and businessmen are likely to have the greatest financial promise, you also need to frequent the right places to meet them. Check out the luxury business hotels and upscale convention centers in major cities like Copenhagen, Arhus, Aalborg, Roskilde and Odense. In Copenhagen the downtown area houses the central business district while the Medicon Valley and the Cleantech cluster occupy the majority of the specialized businesses. In the evening, make it a point to drop in the trendiest nightspots of the city like 1105 Which is one of the city's best cocktail bars or the Europa, a classy cafe on busy square. Ruby is another example of the elegant, old school-style cocktail bar but if you are looking for a place with a view, you can head for the K Bar which is famous for its cocktails on the canal side. Apart from Copenhagen, you can run into rich patrons at bars and hangouts in cities like Odense and Arhus. In the former city, restaurants like Marie Louise and Klitgaard are favourites of the fashionable while in Arhus, restaurants like the Margueritten, Prins Ferdinand and Malling & Schmidt are some of the destinations patronized by the well-heeled clientele.