The Line of Sun in Palmistry

The Line of the Sun, which is otherwise called the Line of Success or the Line of Brilliancy (1-1, Plate XV.), is one of the most important marks on the hand to consider.
It has in its symbolism almost the same significance as the Sun itself has to the Earth.
Without this line the life has no happiness, no sunshine, as it were, and even the greatest talents lie in darkness and do not produce their fruit.
Amateurs, in looking at hands, often make the greatest mistakes in seeing what appears to be "a good Line of Fate," and in consequence rush off and predict great success and fortune, whereas, as I explained in the preceding chapter, a Fate Line unaccompanied by the Line of Sun may simply mean a fatalistic life full of sorrow and darkness.
The quality that the Line of Sun denotes is, what is generally called "luck"; with a well-marked Sun Line even a poor Line of Head promises more success, and it is the same with the Line of Fate.
People with the Sun Line appear to have more magnetism, more influence over others. They more easily secure recognition, reward, riches, and honours.
They also have a happier and brighter disposition, and this has naturally a great deal to do with what is called success.
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