20 Indoor Date Ideas

Indoor dates are some of the most popular date ideas for varied reasons – ranging from being immune to adverse weather conditions to making for greater privacy. So no matter what your interests or what stage of relationship you are in, here are twenty indoor date ideas for you and your partner. $ROMANCE-TIPS-OPTIN$
Go to the opera
Music has long been one of the most important aids to wooing a beloved and an indoor concert is just the thing if you wish to impress you date with a classy evening. So take her to the opera or a performance of the symphony orchestra. For this though you may have to book tickets in advance which may not come cheap either. Best of all you can look stunning as you both turn up in evening gowns and tuxedos.
Catch a movie
One of the most popular date ideas, a movie night is the perfect way to way to spend an enjoyable evening together. For an indoor option, you can either book tickets for the latest flick at a swanky movie theater or explore community cinema societies if both you and your date have more avant garde tastes.
Rent a DVD
If you want to make the movie experience a little more intimate, you can even arrange your pad for a movie night at home. Start by cleaning up the mess in your apartment, and then see if there is enough soda and popcorn nearby. Finally rent a couple of DVDs of your date’s favorite romantic films and you are all set for a cozy evening.
Get artistic
Indoor dates need not only mean passive entertainment. If your date has a creative bent of mind, he/she will surely enjoy attending an art or hobby class with you. You could sign up for a sculpting, pottery or drawing class for your date evening. Have fun exploring with various colors and textures and if in the mood, you could even splash a little paint or mud on each other. The idea is not only to unwind and learn about making something beautiful but also to have fun with each other while doing so.
Go dancing
What girl doesn’t like to be taken out for a nice dance? For those who love to boogie, a dance night can make for a fun indoor dating idea which in fact can be as casual or as exclusive as you like. If you both would like to be part of a larger group of friends, look for dance nights at your local pub where you are most likely to know more than half the crowd present. On the other hand, a night out at a swanky nightclub which has multi-level dance floors and a VIP lounge might be just the thing needed to impress a date.
Belt out a few tunes
If you both like your voices as well as feet expressing your love for music, look for a nice karaoke bar and perform a duet in front of a cheering audience. Unlike at an outdoor music concert, here you can partake of the pleasures of singing and dancing in an indoor space.
Stand-up comedy
A date at your local comedy club can be yet another fun night without having to get about in the shivering night air. And if you want to take things up a notch, get tickets to a play that has been getting rave reviews in the press. You can be assured of your date having a great evening and who knows, maybe even you can be inspired to put on a stand-up comic act.
Browse through books
For couples who are not great talkers, a visit to the library can make for great date idea. At the library, pick out some fascinating picture books on topics that interest you such as travel, wildlife, history or cuisine. Not only will you find things to discuss about but whispering to each other can be pretty romantic.
Get gaming at home
A game night at home can make for wonderful date idea, especially if you are stuck indoors due to bad weather. After you make your partner comfortable, you can begin with some popular board games like Scrabble and Monopoly and then maybe go on to more active ones like dumb charades or Twister. Then again if you both prefer, video and computer games can also be the perfect way to rediscover those childhood thrills. Card games are usually more fun with friends and double dates but if you know your partner quite well, you can have a naughty time with a game of strip poker.
Go back to being kids
Build a fort in your living room with blankets: Roast mini marshmallows over a candle ( these can actually get pretty hot!) Use teddy grams and small chocolate chips to make mini smores. Play games or watch a movie in your fun fort!
Put together a puzzle
This can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. You can find cheap ones at the dollar store, or go all out and get a 10,000 set; in fact 3-D puzzles can be fun too. Put on some music in the background and have a bowl of snacks munch on while putting together your puzzle.
Blast from the past
For a cozy and zero-cost date, invite your date and pore over your old school yearbooks. This date becomes really fun when you try to guess each other’s age in the picture. Talk about funny school stories. For an activity, remake a project you made when you were young like glued beans or fruit loop necklaces. You will not only have fun but also discover a lot about each other’s childhood, friends and families.
Read out loud
If you and your partner are fond of the written word, have each other read out passages from your favorite books or recite for each other lines from timeless love poems. Build up the ambience with soft lighting or aromatic candles and bring out your best wine to make for a truly romantic evening.
Home improvement ideas
For couples who like a bit more action in their lives, home improvement projects can make for a great home date idea too. Have a list of projects ready that you both can work on at your home, like for instance putting a new coat of paint in the study or making a set of new cabinets for the kitchen. Don’t include ideas that require a great deal of physical strength or might get too messy like plumbing jobs. Keep them for the professionals or when you can do them later since such jobs might prove to be more of hard work than fun. The great thing about home improvement projects as a date idea is that the very notion of building something together can be hugely inspiring. Besides it is especially good for homebodies who like to potter about at home even when the weather is nice outside.
Cook up a storm
For foodies, indoor date ideas are the perfect excuse to merge the two great loves of their lives. If you fancy yourself a mean hand in the kitchen, by all means invite your beloved over for dinner at your place. While the menu and cooking may require some advance preparation, don’t go overboard by making a five course meal which will leave you too tired and stressed out to enjoy. Rather make the main course the highlight of the menu and then pair it up with a great-looking salad and some fresh bread. Of course don’t forget to choose some nice wine and make sure that you round off the dinner with your partner’s favorite dessert.
A Fondue Night
Then again if you don’t fancy yourself slaving away in the kitchen, keep things simple by planning a fondue night – not only this will help you avoid kitchen stress but ensure that you both have a truly delicious time. There are many variations of fondue recipes from traditional ones like chocolate and cheese to fusion ones like fruit and
Take a class
Serious foodies though can extend their passion still further and sign up for a couple’s cookery class. Choose from among the many cuisines that you both like so that you will not only have fun learning something new now but will actually pamper each other with the recipes later. In fact you can even extend this idea to other activities – like taking a dance class if you enjoy dancing or attending a wine appreciation workshop together if you are wine connoisseurs.
Go to an indoor recreation center
And yet indoor date ideas need not mean that you don’t stir out of your home. All cities and most big towns have large indoor recreation centers with galleries and arcades for a multitude of activities such as mini golfing, bowling, billiards, laser tag, golf simulator, ropes course, go carts, video games and so on. Check out as many of these as time and resources allow but in keep in mind your partner’s preferences as well.
Swimming pool
Water babies need not fret about being left behind. If you or your date are lucky to live in a condomium with indoor pools, by all means plan a date around it; many towns and cities also have public indoor pools where you can acquire a single-day membership or perhaps a long-term one if you two get into a habit of frolicking in water together.
A night of sensuality
Whether you have known your partner for quite some time now and are ready to take your relationship to the next level or you are eager to spice up your relationship of many years, plan a sensual night for your next date that he/she will truly love. It could be a warm exotic massage or a naughty bubble bath. You are not only sure to have fun splashing around with each other but can also wrap it up with an intimate night together.
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