How to Plan a Second Honeymoon and Make it Better than the First!

A second honeymoon is an ideal way of rejuvenating your marital life. After being married for a length of time, most couples find their daily domestic routine getting the better of their love life. And with kids, there never seems to be an end to the list of things to be done. So a second honeymoon is just what the doctor ordered, not only to give the couple a much-needed break from the daily grind, but also to put the spice back into the marriage. So here are a few ways which will help you get on with planning a second honeymoon.

Decide when you want to go

Most couples decide to go for their second honeymoon, at significant milestones of their married life, like the tenth or twenty-fifth anniversaries. However, there are no hard and fast rules governing the time when you both should want it. It may be after a particularly hectic period at work, when you wish to spend uninterrupted time with each other. It may be after a crisis in your marriage, when you wish to go to a new place and be relaxed to repair what has gone wrong.

Plan it together

This is the most important requirement for chalking out the itinerary of a second honeymoon. It is necessary to take into account each partner’s priorities and convenience. And of course, half the fun comes from doing something – in this case the planning – together.

Decide on the time breakup

Plan your honeymoon according to the time you have in your hands. Do you want spend more time at the vacation destination, or are you alright with a long travelling time? If you are going to a far spot or remote location, the travelling time will be more and you might get too tired to enjoy properly. On the other hand, the unique scenery and culture of a new place may be just what you wanted to experience together.

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Consider what you would want to do

Plan your second honeymoon in accordance with your preferred activities. You might just want to relax on the beach, with a book in your hands. Or, you might like to explore the historical and cultural attractions of a new place. If you and your spouse would like to do different things, consider dividing up the activities on separate days. Keep a couple of days aside for sight-seeing, while on the other days, you could laze around in the hotel spa.

Do something exciting together

Remember how it was all those years ago, when even going out for a boat ride together meant an adventure? Put the zing back into your marriage, by trying out a new, exciting sport together. Go bungee jumping and feel the adrenalin rush through your body. Or ski down a slope together and feel the invigorating breath of cold wind against your face.

Learn one new activity together

One of the best ways to come closer during a vacation, is to learn something new together.  If you are going to the mountains, visit a forest camp and see if you can learn to build a log cabin together. Or try out scuba-diving at a beach resort and explore the dazzling beauty marine life.

Decide on the kind of place

Decide on the kind of place where you want to put up. If you are looking for some quiet time with each other on your second honeymoon, without too many distractions, an isolated villa or a private island resort may be just the thing for you. However, if you both are more interested in an exciting nightlife or other entertainment opportunities, it would make more sense to put up a in larger, well-located resort.

Leave the kids behind

Make proper arrangements for the kids to be taken care of, while you both are out on your second honeymoon. They could stay with their grandparents or other close relatives. While it is necessary to make sure that the children are alright, don’t obsess too much about them while on your vacation. Worrying too much about minor hiccups, or calling them up too frequently will spoil the flavour of your honeymoon. Remember, this is a time only for the two of you.

Give some space to each other

Make sure that each of you gets to do something you really want to on the trip. Allow for individual interests – while the husband may want to devote a sunny afternoon to golf, the wife might want to explore the local antique stores. Giving some space to each other will bring you back into your spouse’s arms with greater tenderness than before.

Don’t overschedule the trip

Remember why you have decided to go for a second honeymoon in the first place – it is because you wanted to relax with each other, without being dictated to by the clock. Packing in too many things to do and see will leave you both exhausted and distracted. Keep the honeymoon relaxing, so that you are free to do what you want and where you want to do it.

Pack in a surprise gift

Call back the tender emotions of your wedding night, by surprising your spouse with a gift. Pick something intimate, or at least romantic.

Don’t have too many expectations

Agreed, that a second honeymoon is an ideal way to reconnect with your spouse, but don’t expect it to smoothen away all the problems in your relationship. Also set forth with a sense of humour and don’t get too distressed if things refuse to work out according to plan. Even the best laid out travel plans have a way of going awry. Consider the unexpected as part of the adventure that is marriage.

So bring home those travel brochures and start dusting your bags. Look forward to lazy days and long nights of romance ‘cause like a renewal of marriage vows, a second honeymoon is a perfect way for both partners to rediscover their love for each other.