Chinese Astrology

Goat - Dog Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Goat and Dog are two animal signs which do not have much in common. Thus chances of romantic compatibility between the two are not really high. In some cases even opposing personalities have a chance of complementing each other in a relationship which again seems to evade this particular...
By kalyani10

Goat - Goat Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Goat is one of the most attractive animal signs of the Chinese zodiac. Quiet, cultured and homely, they make for pleasant relationships though they may be a tad emotional in nature. Thus a relationship between two Goats will be intimate and comfortable though perhaps lacking practicality and...
By kalyani10

Goat - Monkey Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

In terms of personality traits, the Goat and Monkey share a  greater number differences than similarities. Yet somehow the differences do not work so well to complement each other because of which this is not really a compatible match. And yet with some effort and adjustment on both sides, the...
By kalyani10

Goat - Pig Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Among the animal signs of the Chinese zodiac, the Pig and Goat couple appears to one of those pairs which share a high degree of similarity as far as personal traits and world views are concerned. This makes the Goat-Pig quite compatible partners even though they may need to negotiate a few rough...
By kalyani10

Goat - Rooster Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

These two signs are quite compatible romantically even though their unique personality traits can create some differences. Overall Goat and Rooster are well-poised for a lasting relationship once they agree to be a little more understanding of each other’s motivations.High points of a Goat-...
By kalyani10

Horse - Dog Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Horse-Dog pair is an uncommon equation even though the signs share significant traits. For instance both are hard-working, energetic and fond of having people about them. However the couple should watch out for some differences which could create a rift in an otherwise compatible match.High...
By kalyani10

Horse - Goat Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Few couples of the Chinese zodiac system are as opposed in personalities as the Horse and Goat. This would appear bring up major reasons of romantic incompatibility but in reality, the two seem placed to complement each other quite nicely in a relationship.High Points of a Horse-Goat love matchOn...
By kalyani10

Horse - Horse Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Horse in Chinese astrology is one of the most attractive of zodiac signs. This personality is energetic, courageous and loves to have a good time. Thus when allied to a partner of the same zodiac, it is just double the fun. Despite such immediate and enthusiastic connection between two Horse...
By kalyani10

Horse - Monkey Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Not the most compatible of couples in the Chinese zodiac, the Horse and Monkey pair may give in to initial attraction but find it difficult to pull along in the long run. Incredibly enough, it is because the two are so alike in personality traits that the equation is likely to go awry. However if...
By kalyani10

Horse - Pig Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

In terms of personality traits, the Horse and Pig seem to possess more differences than similarities. This however is no guarantee of an incompatible relationship between the two. In fact if the Horse and Pig agree to let their respective traits complement each other, the match can be quite a happy...
By kalyani10
