
Are you Being too Picky with Dating Men?

You know - and your friends tell you too - that you are smart, attractive and good at your work. But despite so many obvious qualities, you are still single while those far less eligible than you are getting on with their second babies and suburban homes. Even though you never wanted to settle down...
By kalyani10

10 Things Women Want in a Man

It is not unusual to come across guys who claim to be perplexed by what women want from them. Some days wives and girlfriends seem to be fine with who their men are while on others they will try their best to change the men in their lives. Likewise if you find women difficult to figure out, here is...
By kalyani10

How to Find Your Soul-mate - Ways to Find Someone You're Perfectly Compatible with

As personal relationships become more self-serving in these times, there is an opposite and equally strong desire to find someone with whom you can just be yourself and yet feel fulfilled. If you believe you are in search of someone like this, read on for a few tips on how to find your soul-mate....
By kalyani10

10 Places to Find Good-looking Single Women

Dating a gorgeous looking woman is the stuff practically all male dreams are made of. And yet guys can often be found complaining that there just aren’t enough of them going around or whoever they happen to meet is inevitably tagged by a boyfriend. The trick of course lies in looking at the right...
By kalyani10

The 10 Biggest Mistakes that Single Women Make

Women are lucky to live in an age where being single does not automatically mean that she has a problem. They can take their time in looking for the right guy and wait till he comes along. But when you have spent way too much time and money on dates and begin to wonder if there are actually any...
By kalyani10

10 Signs She Wants You to Ask Her Out on a Date

Men often feel that women are far too subtle and indirect when expressing their interest in a guy. This not only leaves a man confused about her actual intentions but also hesitant to approach her in case she turns him down. And like every guy out there knows, that hurts a lot. So here are ten...
By kalyani10

Dating for Busy Men and Women - Tips and Advice

In this hectic life, there may be time for everything but love. Thus whether you are an ambitious professional, a single parent or a college grad trying to juggle jobs and studies, you probably find it increasingly difficult to have a satisfying social life as the days and months whizz by in a blur...
By kalyani10

Cities to find Single Women 5 Cities in Europe where Women outnumber Men

A continent of incredible variety, Europe straddles the best that the world has to offer in culture, technology and natural beauty from the ancient to the modern times. So if you are male and looking for some pretty female company to show you around Europe, the following cities are the places to...
By kalyani10

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl

How often have you noticed an attractive girl sitting two places away from you and wished you knew how to chat her up? It is not that hard to get talking to a girl but you must know how to catch her attention without coming across as cheap or desperate. Here are a few ways to start a conversation...
By kalyani10

Meeting Single Men Who Want to Get Married

Men and women these days take more time than ever, to commit themselves to marriage. A host of reasons have led to this trend - mostly because of greater professional opportunities, wider relationship options and a growing incidence of failed or unhappy marriages.So if you find yourself ready for...
By kalyani10

How to find a boyfriend in a week

God made woman to be with man. So eventually everyone finds someone or the other. Looking across the street, you will find couples walking hand in hand, sitting and chatting or just plainly staring into each others eyes in bliss. At one point all these people must have been alone, right? But today...
By Futurescopes Re...

Can your female friends find dating partners for you?

You may find the woman of your dreams at party, wedding, a church, at work or online. If you find it difficult to find a date in spite of the chances offered by such social gatherings, you can always tap your friend!You may have many female friends but no one to date - these are women with...
By Rakhi Abraham

Should teachers date students?

A controversy burst open recently in a dance school in Winnipeg because of an allegedly consensual relationship between a 37-year-old teacher and an 18-year-old dance student. This is not a rare case and newspapers and television have reported other cases of relationship between teachers and...
By Rakhi Abraham

Are you looking for a mirror image in a mate?

When we look for someone to date or have a relationship with, we unconsciously have certain parameters. It may be good height, attractive to look at, a good physique or a voluptuous body. These, of course, are superficial. Sometimes we may look for certain qualities. They may be qualities that we...
By Louella Vaz

How to Meet Guys in a Small Town

At the outset, moving to a small town may seem to cramp your social life. However what these places may lack in dating opportunities, they may more than make up with their cleaner, safer environment as well as close-knit community ties. So if you find yourself in a small town, despair not; make use...
By kalyani10

Older Man Younger Woman Relationships and Dating

Ever watched the movie ‘Autumn in New York’? It epitomizes a fair bit of the confusion, pain and angst, yet the beauty and wonder that an older man-younger woman relationship goes through. Much has been written and even more debated about whether such unions make sense. There have been many...
By Louella Vaz

10 Advantages of Marrying an Older Man

The incidence of young women marrying men much advanced in years is nothing new. In fact the patriarchal underpinnings of society make it easier for older men to have young brides rather than for mature women to find social acceptance with far younger male partners.  And like with many long-...
By kalyani10

Dating Someone much Younger - Aspects to Consider

Conventional wisdom about what is appropriate in a relationship is well on its way out. These days men and women are more open about exploring what suits them and understand that an equation which may have worked for others need not do so for them. However if the age difference between two partners...
By kalyani10

Finding and dating men looking for long term relationship or marriage

As women get older, the ache to settle down escalates. Marriage suddenly becomes high on many women's priority list. In order to marry, a man is needed. Finding a good man willing to commit can be difficult. It is nearly impossible to tell the difference between men looking for a fling and men...
By Jenny Sayre

Cougars and Younger Men - Can there be a Long Term Relationship?

Cougar relationships seem to have become a trend now with mature women increasingly going out with men several years their junior. While they have existed earlier too – think Raquel Welch and Mae West - perhaps it is now that they are coming into the limelight after celebrity cougar relationships...
By kalyani10
