Relationship Issues

When Your Partner Wants to Remain in Touch with an Ex

Mature relationships are all about giving each other the space to develop individual friendships and interests. But what if this involves your partner wanting to catch up with his/her ex every other weekend? Here are a few tips on how you to stay calm and positive even when your partner wants to...
By kalyani10

Coming to terms with your ex-wife's boyfriend

You were married to her once and you both shared some really good times. And then again, there were some nasty moments. Finally you both decided to close the curtains on your marriage. And now she’s seeing someone else. You may or may not be single. And if you are, it somehow makes it more...
By Louella Vaz

Fun Ways to Announce Pregnancy - Creative Ways to Let Everyone Know you're Expecting a Baby

Congratulations! Now that you are sure you’re going to have a baby, it is time to let everyone else know too. But why not do this in a way so as to give your family or friends the surprise of their lives. Here are a few fun ways to announce a pregnancy.Blog about itThese days almost everyone is a...
By kalyani10

How to get over a break up and be happier than before

11. Think about all the Aspects of your Life you should be Grateful for So your love life isn't the most happening thing at the moment. But we can't have it all. Look at all the areas of your life that are sailing along smoothly. And revel in them. Seize happiness from little things like a good...
By Louella Vaz

Marrying Someone in the Army - Aspects to Consider

Getting married to someone in the armyLife in the army can be extremely challenging not only for serving personnel but also for their families. So many things that are taken for granted in civilian life, for instance career, stability and family support, become difficult to sustain when living as a...
By kalyani10

How to get over a break-up

31. Empathize Misery loves company. Provide a listening ear for someone who's still having a tough time dealing with a break-up and share some of your wisdom and expertise. Tell them how you're coping with your own break-up crisis and provide some valuable break-up survival tips. Helping someone in...
By Louella Vaz

Wedding vows renewals

A wedding is a very special occasion in the life of a couple. Sometimes the marriage is short-lived and very soon, the couple is knocking on the doors of the divorce court. But when a marriage survives and the couple continues to enjoy years of wedded bliss, it is surely an occasion to celebrate...
By Louella Vaz

Staying friends after a break up

If you're the one whose relationship is breaking up and he still wants to be friends.1. Hear him/her outIt always pays to see give the other partner an attentive listening ear. Even if you are highly-strung and seething with emotion, try and put on a brave front and see what they have to say. You...
By Futurescopes Research Team

How to Make a Man Want to Commit to you

Are you fed up of waiting for your man to decide whether or not he wants you in a long term relationship? If so, take heart in the fact that you are not alone.Today, more than ever, men are delaying settling into a steady relationship. A major reason for this is the easy availability of partners so...
By kalyani10

Letting go of a relationship

To many of us, being successful in terms of a career is important, but equally so is being content and fulfilled in a good relationship. When we think we’ve found it, our happiness knows no bounds. And when it seems like it’s over, we go through a gamut of emotions – anger, despair, grief, sadness...
By Louella Vaz

How to make your wife fall in love with you again

‘Falling in love’ is a powerful phrase in today’s culture. It’s the subject of many a movie, play, television serial and many many many a romance novel. Naturally, this phrase is open to interpretation and means different things to different people. While its meaning varies, so do the circumstances...
By Elsa Davidson

I hate my ex girlfriend! - learning to let go and move on!

Breaking up with a partner can sometimes be traumatic. Even though you saw it coming or made it happen yourself, you may not be ready for the impact of the break-up. Suddenly you are alone and no longer part of a couple. It feels like a giant missile burst up on your life crushing your dreams and...
By Rakhi Abraham

Beautiful Things to Say to Your Wife

Men are constantly being told to show greater appreciation for their wives, if they want a happy marriage. And yet, in many cases, they are clueless on how to keep it up once they have finished with their declaring their love and complimenting their spouse’s looks.While it is easy to say the wrong...
By kalyani10

Breaking up without making a mess

Claire was riding high on life and love thanks to the loving relationship she shared with Ben. Ben would always reassure her that this flowery chapter of her life would never end, their relationship was strong enough to withstand the test to time. Sadly today, the reality is quite different. Ben...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Dealing with a cheating boyfriend

What if your relationship with your boyfriend has become an integral part of your life, a characteristic of your identity, then you suddenly discover that your boyfriend whom you had begun to love is cheating on you. It is extremely difficult and furthermore painful to deal with this bitter truth....
By Futurescopes Research Team

Broke up with your partner? Ways to cheer up

41. Have a Girls/Guys Night Out Do something wild with your gal pals or have a guys-only party. Don't drown your sorrows in a drink but do let your hair down enough to have a really good time, since you don't have to impress anybody.TIP: Read the guide to prevent a break up or get back with your ex...
By Louella Vaz

Relationship issues - Does your woman respect you?

A healthy relationship is not just about acquiring your woman’s love and affection. A relationship can sustain all the ups and downs in life if there is an equal amount of love, sharing and respect for each other. The most basic rule or necessity of a relationship is mutual tolerance and respect....
By Futurescopes Research Team

How to get over a break up and emerge a winner

A necessary part of dating is breaking up. Not all relationships are meant to be. If the person you love leaves you, it often feels like the end of the world. But hey, it's not! Did you know that swans mate for life and when they lose their lifetime mate, they become vicious and destructive? It's...
By Louella Vaz

Getting married - Do you really want to get married? Some points to consider.

You fell in love at first sight. Or maybe it was just attraction. You’ve been seeing her for a month, a year, a decade. All relationships evolve gradually. Some meet in college, date for some time and although young, they somehow know that they’re going to be together for life. Others meet at work...
By Louella Vaz

How to break up a relationship and still stay friends

Breaking up is a difficult thing to do, irrespective if you've been dating a week, a month or years. It is hard for both, the one doing the breaking up and the one who is dumped. The individual who initiates the break up feels guilty; because he is going to inflict pain on the person he has...
By Louella Vaz
