Relationship Issues

Commitment and Monogamy - Just how important is commitment to a relationship?

Jenny, a consultant in a reputed company, had been married for a year. She was content in her relationship and secure in the marriage. Rex - smart, funny, and a generous lover, had a bright future ahead in the law firm where he worked. Jenny was thrilled that she had been lucky enough to meet him...
By Louella Vaz

10 Reasons People Break Up

The beginning of a relationship is almost always accompanied with hopes that partners would continue to love and support each other in the days to come. Unfortunately, many times such hopes are belied and relationships run aground. Here are the ten most common reasons why people break up and...
By kalyani10

Building trust in relationships

Trust, as we know, is a crucial factor in any relationship. Many relationships have broken up over trust issues. Once violated, trust is very difficult to repair and rebuild, so it has to be guarded carefully and constantly nurtured. It can be compared to a plant that needs the right soil, water...
By Louella Vaz

10 Celebrities with Relationship Tattoos Who Broke up Eventually

Ever since primitive times, human have adorned themselves with various kinds of body art. While earlier this stood for tribal affiliation or indicated hierarchy in a community, today tattoos are more personalized. They can range from making fashion statements to announcing who is in love with who...
By kalyani10

10 Wrong Reasons to Have Children

Bringing a child into this world is an immense responsibility. It not only demands high levels of personal and physical commitment from the primary caretaker but also the involvement of several other people in the process of child rearing. So before you take this major decision, go through the...
By kalyani10

When your Husband Leaves you for Another Woman

One of the most heart-breaking experiences a wife can go through is to see her husband walk out of their marriage for the sake of another woman. The emotional consequences can range from immediate rage and despair to a depression lasting for several years. Impossible though it may sound, even after...
By kalyani10

When your Husband Doesn't Wear the Wedding Ring

Symbols have a significant role in how we make sense of the world and our place in it. One such symbol in human relationships is the wedding ring which stands for marital love and commitment. So while wearing a ring does not automatically guarantee marital fidelity, absence of it may denote various...
By kalyani10

How to Get Over a Relationship That Wasn’t Meant to Be

Not all relationships end because one partner willingly hurt the other. Sometimes two people can simply drift away from each other, when their relationship has nothing more to offer, where they have nothing to look forward to. If you feel caught up in such a situation, here is how to get over a...
By kalyani10

If your Husband Takes you for Granted - How to Improve your Marriage

It is hard for anyone to live without some appreciation now and then. But when the lack of recognition for all the investment in a relationship comes from someone as close as a husband, it becomes difficult to see why you should go on with such a marriage at all. The good news however is that the...
By kalyani10

10 Steps to Get Out of a Relationship

A partner is meant to provide love, support and help you to evolve as an individual and a couple. But when you find a relationship lacking all these and maybe even a source of pain and fear, it is time to consider your options. Here are ten steps to get out of a relationship and reclaim your life....
By kalyani10

Should a New Mom take a Break from her Career for her Baby?

Like any life-altering experience, the birth of a baby ushers in a host of changes which are sure to redo the equation between a new mom’s personal and professional lives. She is most likely to find herself overwhelmed with questions like “What's best for the baby? What's best for me? Can I afford...
By kalyani10

When you Want a Mutual Consent Divorce But your Spouse Wants to Contest it

Today around half of all new marriages in USA are likely to end in divorce. The emotional experience of going through a divorce is terrible enough without couples having to fight over custody and alimony in a court of law. This is the reason why mutual consent divorce is the preferred option for...
By kalyani10

Should you start a Business with your Lover or Spouse ?

Starting a business and building a romantic relationship are alike in many ways – both need initial investment of time and effort as well as need long-term maintenance to keep it successful. But what if you can combine the two – in other words turn a fulfilling relationship into a...
By kalyani10

How to Pamper Yourself to Recover From a Break up

No matter who is at fault, a breakup usually brings with it feelings of sadness and misery. Worse it may make you feel worthless, especially if the breakup was not initiated by you or you found out that your partner was cheating on you.  In such times, you could do with lavishing some heavy...
By kalyani10

Signs He Wants a Relationship

There are all kinds of reasons why a man may want to go out with you – because he finds you attractive enough for a casual date, because he is keen to know you better or simply because he has nothing better to do on a Saturday night. One of the most disconcerting situations for a woman is...
By kalyani10

How to Mend a Broken heart - Getting Over a Relationship that Wasn't Meant to be

Anyone who has had their heart broken some time or other is familiar with the intense waves of pain and helplessness which seems to strip life of all meaning. At such times, one feels that it is impossible to get up or feel whole again. And yet, healing does take place - slowly for some and...
By kalyani10

When your Ex-husband Dies

In these times, the circle of people affected by a death has expanded from family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances to include former spouses. And yet the precarious relationship between ex spouses also means that often individuals do not know how to mourn the death of a former partner. Here...
By kalyani10

When A Relationship is Over - Tips and Advice

Every breakup brings with it tears and regrets. Even when the relationship has stopped being happy or fulfilling, its end is hard to accept, much less get over. And yet people who have been through heartbreaks insist that though you never forget entirely how it was, at some point it does begin to...
By kalyani10

When your Husband Doesn't Spend Time with the Kids

As a mother, it is natural for you to wish the best for your children. Apart from meeting their material needs, this also includes providing them with the love and emotional security so that they feel cherished and secure. However while you may be doing all you can to cater to your kids’ needs, you...
By kalyani10

Should you Stay in an Unhappy Marriage for the Sake of your Kids?

The breakdown of a marriage is without doubt one of the most painful experiences that anyone can go through. Not only does it signify the end of a partnership but brings with the terrifying question of what will happen to the children if the spouses decide to divorce. Many couples in fact continue...
By kalyani10
