Relationship Issues

When your Husband is on his Way Back Home from War

The experience of war is not one which can be left behind at the battlefield. No matter which side wins or loses, every soldier brings back a baggage of memories and emotions from the frontlines. So if you have just been informed that your husband is on his way back home from the war, here are a...
By kalyani10

How to End a Long Term Relationship Without Making a Mess

Ending a long-term relationship is a difficult business, no matter how little the reasons for breaking up have to do with you. There are years of feelings, hard work and hopes for the future invested in the relationship which may even affect others like kids. However, once you have decided that it...
By kalyani10

When your husband says he doesn't love you any more

For a woman, one of the biggest crises in a marriage comes when her husband admits that he doesn’t love her anymore. She is likely to feel the world coming to an end. Her initial reaction would be to cry a storm of tears and after spending herself out, she might plead with her husband, to give...
By kalyani10

10 Signs your Relationship is in Trouble

While most relationships begin with romantic hopes and promises of togetherness, time is unkind to many of them. Partners fall out over priorities, cheat on each other or simply drift away. The saddest part is that usually things can be worked out if issues are recognized and acknowledged early. So...
By kalyani10

When your Partner is Controlled by Parents - Dealing with Controlling In-laws

It is natural for every parent to want the best for their children. However sometimes parental influence crosses the boundaries of well-meant concern and turns into a controlling relationship, one which leaves a negative impact on other romantic relationships. If your find the same thing destroying...
By kalyani10

When your Girlfriend Says She Needs a Break

It may come as a nasty shock to you when your girlfriend suddenly announces that she needs a break from the relationship. It is easy to assume that she is walking out on you but she may not necessarily mean that. Here are a few tips on how to respond to your girlfriend’s decision and keep all...
By kalyani10

When your Partner Loves the Dog More Than You

Canine companions of humans have long been considered one of the truest friends that mankind could possibly have. In recent times though there has been a surge of obsession with pet dogs to the extent that pet handlers have to remind the owners that they are animals and should not be indulged on...
By kalyani10

How to Start Anew After a Breakup

In the aftermath of a breakup, you may feel as though you can never get back to loving someone again. And yet if you have allowed ample time and space to your heart to heal, it is possible to start anew after a breakup. If you are still unsure about how to proceed, here are a few tips which will...
By kalyani10

When your Partner Wants an Abortion But you Don't

A pregnancy is a life-changing experience at the best of times but when a couple does not feel the same way about the arrival of a baby, it can bring unhappy complications. Sometimes being unprepared for such a major change can lead one to think of in extremes - like an abortion. If this is the...
By kalyani10

How to Break up with your Fiance

Relationships go bad more often than you may like to believe. But when you are already affianced to someone, breaking up can make you appear heartless, selfish and a whole lot of other negative things. At the same time, you probably already know in the core of your heart that your relationship is...
By kalyani10

When your Partner Wants More Kids but you Don't

Having a baby ranks pretty high in the list of life-changing experiences. However this can mean different things for either partner; so while your partner may want to do it all over again, you feel what you have is enough. Unfortunately this difference in views can create significant stress in a...
By kalyani10

How to Get over Being Dumped by Someone you Love

Romantic relationships have a funny way of taking a person through a roller coaster of emotions. Just when you thought you had a good thing going with your partner, you end up being shown the door. Or maybe you had sensed something going awry in your relationship but never imagined things to come...
By kalyani10

When your Spouse Has a Terminal illness

When you vow take your spouse “for richer or poorer”, “in sickness or health” and “till death do us apart” during your wedding ceremony, the words seem little more than an inspiring note to begin your married life with. It is only when an ugly reality like a life-threatening disease breaks in the...
By kalyani10

If you're Obsessed with your Ex-Boyfriend – Learning to Let Go

A breakup is hard to accept, especially when you have invested a lot of time and effort in building a relationship and nurturing it. There are times when you feel that if only that had not happened or this person had not come in between, your relationship would have been perfect. The two of you...
By kalyani10

How to Tell if a Man Will be a Good Father

While any healthy adult male is biologically equipped to procreate, being a good father is a whole different ballgame. Even though men have been spared the physiological responsibility of bearing and giving birth to children, there are many ways that a good dad is essential to bringing up well-...
By kalyani10

How to Deal with a Bad Break Up and Get Over an Ex

In a relationship, whether or not you have plans of a future together, there’s always a certain sense of grief when it’s over. It’s obvious that you will feel like your life is empty and pointless. Like any other horrible phase in your life, this too shall pass. Break ups can be compared to...
By A Ayyar

When your Spouse Loses a Parent

The death of a parent can be a devastating experience for anyone. But when it is your spouse who goes through this, it can affect your entire family for days together. So if your spouse has lost a parent recently, here are a few ways you can support him/her and get back your family life on track....
By kalyani10

10 Signs you are Wasting your Time with a Relationship

Sometimes despite your best efforts, a guy or girl may not respond to a relationship with the level of warmth and commitment that you hope for. Some may prefer to be upfront and tell you that this relationship is going nowhere while others may idle along and hope that sooner or later you see the...
By kalyani10

When your Spouse Wants to Move to a Different City to Pursue a Career

Marriage is at the best of times a delicate balancing act between aspirations and priorities of both partners. And one of the issues which brings this to the fore is whether to stay or to move when a job opportunity is offered to one spouse. If you're the one who is moving because of your partner,...
By kalyani10

5 reasons to be happy at being dumped

Being dumped is hard on anybody. You go through phases when you feel like a loser and doubt yourself. Your self-esteem takes a knock and you wonder what you could have done better, how you could have made things right. If he dumped you because he was seeing someone else, you probably feel even...
By Louella Vaz
