Neptune in the Third House

Neptune in the third house, imaginative, fanciful, and weird mental tendencies ; fondness for spiritualistic phenomena and matters pertaining to the occult and mystical side of things ; poetical fancies ; dreamy state of mind. Only a few can respond to the higher vibrations of the planet Neptune ; but those who have any tendency to allow their nature to become depraved and degraded seem to come under an influence from this planet which appears to be the inversion of a very high moral grade. In a great number of cases already investigated, and afflicted Neptune in the third appears to denote imbecility or weak intellect, depraved tastes, and morbid fancies. Troubles of a peculiar nature appear to affect the relations, and troubles on journeys are very probable. Up to the present the influence of Neptune does not usually appear to be favourable, and until the work of tabulation with regard to this planet is complete, no definite statement can be made with regard to its influence.
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