The Rabbit Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

A creature which figures pretty low on the food chain may not seem to possess many remarkable qualities. But the rabbit as an animal has survived on a mix of cunning, camouflage and an apparently benign nature – traits which are evident in the human counterpart in Chinese astrology and when fine-tuned make up an extremely attractive personality.
One of the foremost traits of the Rabbit is his/her popularity in their social circle. This owes a great deal to the Rabbit’s intrinsic ability to get along with all kinds of people, their almost uncanny knack of putting people they meet at ease. Thus whether at a work or social environment, friends and acquaintances gravitate to the Rabbit’s gentle pleasing nature and their benign affability. Perhaps this is why, the Rabbit often figures as a regular on the guest list of the best parties and gatherings in town. Their excellent social skills make them nice and pleasant to everybody, showing that they are not one to play favorites.
An essential aspect of the social life of the Rabbit is the guiding principle of beauty and harmony. They like to be surrounded by beauty which comes from a harmonious mingling of qualities and would shrink back from anything that is overpowering and smothering. The Rabbit is cultured, refined and would love to spend an evening at the ballet and later dine at a fancy restaurant where there are likely to be beautiful, smart people about him/her. The adherence to elegance and beauty can be witnessed in their domestic space as well. If they can afford it, the Rabbit will most often be found to possess expensive paintings, sculptures or other works of art. Even the who are not as well-off will at least surround themselves with some evidence of beauty like a Persian rug, a potted geranium or an antique vase.
The Rabbit is rarely the kind of person to contradict a listener or get into heated debate with anyone else and this is the reason why many people find the Rabbit’s company charming and desirable. During a conversation, you can trust the Rabbit to fill up any awkward silences. Also they are usually very observant and are quick to pick up verbal as well as non-verbal cues from others around them. If the Rabbit is having a good time with someone, they will find a way to let the person know without being obvious about it. However even when this apparently inoffensive animal meekly submits to others’ views, they may actually be hard at work burrowing away at the other people’s subconciousness, gnawing away at opposition with such politeness and finesse that no one could find them disagreeable.
The streak of manipulation is particularly evident in the Rabbit’s professional life. Even as he/she seems to have achieved the impossible feat of maintaining cordial relationships across the office spectrum, one can be relatively sure that there is a cool and determined master manipulator at work here. When it serves his/her purpose the Rabbit can flatter with the greatest finesse, make one feel special without batting an eyelid and thus makes his/her own way. This is motivated not so much out of evil nature but a strong sense of self-preservation. Like the actual animal realizes it must compensate for its physical weakness by camouflage and quickness, so too the human counterpart sees the worth of taking recourse to verbal charm and ingeniousness rather than enter open conflict and aggression.
Among the professions where the Rabbit is capable of succeeding are, teaching, fine arts, hospitality sectors and others which make use of their sociable, artistic and easy communication skills. However the Rabbit is most suited to places which call upon his/her skills in negotiation and diplomacy like counselors, psychologists and human resources managers. Because of their innate love of harmony, they excel in situations which demand collaboration and co-operation rather than confrontation.
As far as health is concerned, the Rabbit’s attraction to many and varied interests make them prone to nervous stress. They do well when sticking to a vegetarian diet but most particularly to fresh produce – packaged and refined foods don’t agree with most Rabbits. Since this sign also likes his/her creature comforts, the Rabbit has a tendency to get lazy and miss out on healthy exercise. Above all the Rabbit likes to keep him/herself warm and dry and thus will be rarely found outdoors in cold and damp weather.
In his/her personal life, the Rabbit is always on the lookout for variety in experiences. While this makes them highly enthusiastic and interesting as a partner, they are also likely to get bored as quickly. The perpetual search for novelty makes the Rabbit rather trying to live with and not the most loyal of all partners.
Curiously despite the Rabbit’s widespread social popularity, there is a marked streak of emotional detachment in this personality. The Rabbit has an intrinsic ability to remain aloof from an emotional situation even as he/she maybe charming an individual to the hilt. He/she prefers not to get too tangled in torturous matters of the heart and prefers to move from one lively and pleasant experience to another.
However the other side of the Rabbit’s love of peaceful coexistence is an avoidance of situations that are unpleasant and hold the potential for conflict. They tend to take the line of least resistance an unwillingness to take a strong stand even when the gravity of the situation demands it. The desire for harmony may slide into an inability to confront harsh realities of life. Thus the Rabbit in his/her relationships may turn away from unpleasant situations or refuse to talk about uncomfortable issues. While this may not have much bearing on a casual affair, in case of deeper relationships it is crucial for partners to be able to trust and honestly talk to each other. Also when called upon to take a decision, the Rabbit may take too long and may keep veering from one extreme to another this is often evident as a vacillating and undecided nature and is one of the trials that the Rabbit goes through before finding equilibrium in life.
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