The Earth Rabbit in Chinese Astrology

The element Earth has the capacity to ground a sign into practical reality and stability of temperament. In the Rabbit, the earthy influence seeks to amplify certain traits that he/she is already equipped with as well as infuse other useful ones like industriousness.
A defining trait of the Rabbit personality is a love of beauty and order in his/her surroundings. They like to be surrounded by beauty which comes from a harmonious mingling of qualities and would shrink back from anything that is overpowering and smothering. As a result the Rabbit has aesthetic tastes in personal style as well as adheres to elegance and beauty in their domestic space as well. When allied with the Earth element this love of beauty is further refined so that the Earth Rabbit is perhaps the most artistic and cultured of his/her ilk. He/she will take immense pride in a neat and well-decorated home and in all likelihood may be perfectly groomed him/herself. This Rabbit is most susceptible than others to the physical and emotional quality of their surroundings and it is extremely important for him/her than nothing is out of place and that there is harmony all around.
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The concern with surroundings also makes the Earth Rabbit a bigger homebody than those of other elements. This Rabbit is rooted to his/her space and take great pleasure in homely comforts of food, furnishings and gardening perhaps. Unlike the fire Rabbit, he/she does not seek to travel frequently but is happy to remain at home surrounded by the familiar and comfortable.
Yet another quality of the Earth Rabbit is his/her ability to adopt a practical point of view. When faced with choices, they tend to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option and only then come to a decision. This trait is in fact to be found in the Rabbit in general and even gives the sign a reputation for being vacillating and unable to take prompt action. In the Earth element, this quality is even more intensified with the result that the Rabbit may ponder long and deep over a course of action. However since the Earth Rabbit always lets logic and reason guide his/her actions, they are more often than not met with success. The Earth Rabbit can make a particularly good administrator with their patient ways and practical bent of mind.
One of the best aspects of the Earth element meeting with the Rabbit sign is a capacity to work hard. The Rabbit person like the creature from the animal world is not very physically tough which is why this sign tends to take things a bit easy. While he/she cannot really be described as lazy, the Rabbit does in general tend to shy away from hard and physical labor.
However under the influence of Earth, the Rabbit can do much more than his/her counterparts of other elements. While the Fire Rabbit has greater energy and the Metal Rabbit fiercer determination, the Earth Rabbit is physically sturdier and will work long and hard to achieve his/her goals in life.
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