The Water Rabbit in Chinese Astrology

Water has the gift to dilute highly fixed qualities in a sign but in a rather passive personality like the Rabbit, the element may further weaken an already hesitant temperament. Even then the Water Rabbit is a highly charming personality, one which has his/her own ways of making it good in the world.
One of the most appealing traits of the Rabbit in general is their affability and pleasing natures. This sign more than any other likes to get along with all kinds of people and has an almost uncanny knack of putting everyone they meet at ease. When allied with the element Water, this affability is further amplified, making this Rabbit one of the best-tempered and likable personalities. This owes something to the Water’s ability to bring about a greater empathy in the sign; a Water Rabbit is particularly sensitive to the emotions of others and since he or she hates to hurt another person's feelings, he or she always knows exactly how to treat a person delicately. As a result, Water Rabbits make excellent friends and lovers as much as successes in professions like customer service and public relations - they know what others need and love to give it to them.
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Then again the Water Rabbit has higher level of communication skills as compared to those of other elements. The Rabbit as it is a good conversationalist – they know just the thing to say to someone, whether he/she is angry, sad, shy or curious. Since Water acts to make the powers of communication flow more easily, this Rabbit is highly evolved in the way they reach out with verbal as well as non-verbal ways to others. Sometimes though the Water Rabbit can get quite chatty and at such times they may convey the impression of skimming over the surface of things rather than deeper intelligence or commitment.
According to the astrological systems including the Chinese one, the element of Water lends fluidity to those it affects. Any person who is affected by Water their horoscope will be more willing to let others have their way, and will be less interested in conflict. The Rabbit is already a gentle and docile being which is why the influence of Water makes him/her even more easy-going and adjusting. This is a person who is least willing to get into a disagreement, much less a conflict, among all the Chinese zodiac signs. The Water Rabbit will do his/her utmost to adapt to other people or circumstances so that there is minimum scope of unhappiness and stress.
Unfortunately the Water Rabbit’s eagerness to take the line of least resistance has some negative consequences. Water Rabbits may be easily intimidated and often taken advantage of by more aggressive personalities. Their kind natures and strong dislike of conflict lead them to give in to others, even if they should not. Even when human opposition is not an issue, the Rabbit may give up too easily, quit a project or cause at the sign of the least bit of trouble or discomfort. For all these reasons, the Water Rabbit may lose out on a few worldly opportunities even though they may know of other ways to make up for their loss. In personal relationships too, the Water Rabbit may suffer from too much timidity to take a chance at love. Sometimes their dislike of conflict is so strong that they would much rather walk away from a personal or romantic situation rather than stay and resolve relationship issues.
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