Dating Two or more Women at the Same Time

The dating game can be quite complicated even in the normal course of things. So you might wonder why on earth anyone should want to date two or more women at the same time. The answers could vary from one man to another depending on what he is looking from a relationship but the bottom line is that to be a player one needs to have a quick mind and superb organizational skills.

Variety is the spice of life

This is the chief reason why men want to date more than one woman at the same time. If one partner is fun to go dancing with, another offers intellectual stimulation during a conversation. It is good to have a varied mix of qualities in your girlfriends so that you don’t get bored by putting up with any one person for a length of time. and again since no one woman is perfect, dating more than woman at the same time will allow you the best possible combination of benefits.

TIP: Click here to see pics and videos of single women and men in your city looking for dates.

No room for mistaken notions

One of the main reasons why men avoid exclusive dating is to let their partners know that they are not looking for a serious relationship. If a man begins to see one woman exclusively, she might feel herself special enough to ask for greater commitment from the guy or even go so far as to infer that he is willing to ‘pop the question’ when the poor guy may have had no intentions of doing so.

A back-up

Very often a woman will stand you up on a date or change plans at the last minute. At such times, it is good to have ‘plan B’ so that you don’t have to throw away those expensive concert tickets. And dating more than one woman offers exactly such a back up.

If there are so many advantages to dating two or more women, then why is it rather unusual to find a guy doing that and successfully so. This is for the simple reason that the multiple dating - like multi-tasking on a far more dangerous scale - is not every guy’s cup of tea. The biggest disadvantage lies in losing both or all girlfriends if things come out in the open and then being left all alone. Even if the women you are dating are all aware of the fact, you are unlikely to be taken seriously when the time comes for you to wish for a more meaningful relationship. You may find it difficult to shed off your colorful past and discover that you may have to prove yourself harder for a woman for her to be able to trust you.

And yet with all the disadvantages, if you still wish to be a player, then it might be a good idea to keep the following tips in mind while dating two or more women at the same time.

Brush up your scheduling skills

Invest in a good organizer or get a plain old calendar so that you can keep track of who you are going out with when. Apart from jotting down who you are meeting on which days of the month, also note down what you did with whom in the dates gone by. This is will be a great help in case you need to refer back to a date ten days ago with girlfriend number two. You don’t want to be walking along the beach with her while saying, “Honey remember the trip we took to Miami last month” only to find out she wasn’t the one and that it was actually girlfriend number one you were thinking of.  Finally with a calendar, you will be able to visually structure your time. Along with your hectic personal life, you also have a job and a home. So by scheduling your commitments you will be better able to manage your time and use it for work or play.

Don’t share everything

You probably have a great thing going on in your personal life, dating more than one woman at the same time. Just be discrete and don’t boast about your sexual magnetism amidst your bowling pals or at the bar. Moreover a woman might try and get you to verbalize your commitment to her by saying something like, “You know, I wouldn't be sleeping with you if I knew you were with someone else.” While you need not lie about your commitment to her, there is also no need to divulge about other objects of your interest for the simple reason that they are none of her business. Apart from the fact that an element of mystery might work in favor of your sexual attractiveness, being discrete is essential if you want to carry on with your varied dating life.

Set the ground rules

However if a woman at the very outset wants to know if you are seeing others, come clean. Let her know that you are not ready for exclusive dating just now and would like to keep your options open as far as your personal life is concerned. However by the same counter, be ready to accord a woman the same kind of freedom you want from her. It is not fair that you should be out having a good time and them expect her to be home waiting for you. As the saying goes, what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.

Be careful

Having multiple partners puts you at greater risk for incurring sexually transmitted diseases. Make it a point to use condom always so that not only there is no chance of an unwanted pregnancy but all the parties involved can avoid exposure to STDs. Finally learn to take emotions like jealousy, competition and heartbreak in your stride. Dating multiple women for all its thrills might involve a lot of negativity all around especially if your girlfriends do not approve or are unaware of your player status.