How to Read a Guy's Body Language?

The dark brooding hero of Gothic literature whose face is an inscrutable mask hiding passionate emotions within has always been the stuff of female romantic fantasies. And yet women are exasperated with their real life partners when they can’t make out what their men want.  Whether you are in a new relationship or been with a man for some time, here is a brief guide on how to read a guy’s body language.

  1. Eye contact.

    One of the first things to signal a guy’s interest is the way he looks at a person. If he makes direct eye contact with you and holds the gaze for a couple of seconds, most likely you have caught his attention. A shifty or distracted gaze on the other hand could mean anything from a shy personality to discomfort or disinterest.

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  2. A slight tilt of the head.

    As you check each other out from a distance, look out for a slight tilt of the head. If the guy likes what he sees, he will almost always dip his head a little to the side in a subconscious come-hither gesture. So if you have been making eyes at a guy for the past half-an hour this evening, use the head-tilt as a cue to introduce yourself or strike up a conversation.
  3. The direction of his upper body.

    Whether it is you or the beer keg on the table, the direction a guy’s shoulders and chest point or slightly lean towards definitely indicates the most important thing in the room for him. This is because a man’s upper body is the site of all his active energy and its direction signals what holds his interest. Similarly if a guy is turning away, it is probably an indication that he is dissociating from the object at hand. So even if a guy may be looking elsewhere or shying away from eye contact, if you find him aiming his upper body at you, it means you can go ahead and chat him up.
  4. Position of his hands.

    As you sit talking to a guy, notice if he extends an open palm towards you. This means that he is literally and figuratively reaching out to you. The back of the palm on the contrary means a guarded approach even if he may be trying to know you better. However a guy who frequently uses hand gestures when he talks may mean that he is a good communicator and that he is interested in making his feelings understood. Which is actually good news since women have been known to complain that their partners just wouldn’t talk. The human brain in fact has a special region which only processes hand shapes and this actually means that you too would most likely respond to a guy’s hand gestures with heightened alertness.
  5. Toes pointing inwards.

    If a guy at the bar sits or stands with his toes pointed toward each other, most likely he is feeling a little unsure of himself. He may find you attractive and want to know more about you, but perhaps he needs to be reassured that the feeling is mutual.
  6. The way he smiles.

    It is easy to spot a natural and sincere smile which is neither too strained nor too effusive and most importantly reaches up to the eyes. A half-smile on the other hand can mean that the guy is looking for a no-strings affair.  “A sneer-like grin” says Patti Wood, a body language expert “is actually a split-face gesture. Each side of his face says a different story”. However a coy, close-mouthed smile that shows only that the corners of his mouth may mean that though he likes you, he is playing it safe. Perhaps he is naturally shy or insecure but he will need some more time to put his heart out for you.
  7. Signs of nervousness.

    Signs of nervousness like twitching, drumming of fingers on the table or shaking one’s legs are quite well known. These not only send out the signal that a guy is anxious or tensed but also perhaps that he is not in control of his emotions. Unfortunately such actions  are difficult to master and the more a person may try to control them, the more intense they may become.
  8. Down under.

    If a guy fiddles with his belt or perhaps hangs his thumb from the front-pocket of his jeans, you need to be wary. It is most probably a subconscious way of drawing your attention to his pelvis and this could mean that he is asking if you are game for a nightcap. A more watered down variation on this is when a guy stands with his legs apart with his pelvis facing you. This is a pure biological instinct saying that he has the hots for you even though most guys may not even aware that they are doing it. Other signs of a guy with sex on his mind may be frequent licking of the lips, his gaze wandering all over your body or leaning close into your personal space.
  9. Stroking or patting his stomach

    If a guy has a habit of unconsciously stroking or patting his stomach, it is a sign that he craves the spotlight and is somewhat of an egoist. So if you want to draw him to you, you may need to give him all the appreciation you can and make him feel good about himself. At the same time however such a man may be more about action that words which is hardly a bad thing when it comes to a relationship.
  10. The ways a guy kisses you can tell you volumes about his intentions. If he kisses you softly on the mouth, he is the sensitive type. Accompanied with gestures like hand-holding in public or light strokes on your hair and back, this may mean that he wishes to be emotionally connected to you. On the other hand, a guy primarily interested in sex will kiss you stronger and have a firmer hold on your back. A guy who is into hugging and kissing big time is most likely to be wild and unpredictable and difficult to keep up with.

It takes years to practice to be able to correctly read body language and anyway the best experts agree that gestures and their meanings also vary from one person to another. However if you can keep an eye out for the above signs, there is a very good chance you will know what is going on inside a guy’s head.