10 Signs You're Not Over Your Ex

It can be difficult to say good bye to a relationship, no matter how bitterly it ended. But since nature abhors a vacuum, sooner or later everyone has to move on. So how do you know if you have been able to leave the past behind or if you are still carrying its pain. Here are 10 signs that indicate you are still not over your ex.

You are trashing him/her on social networking sites

By now practically the entire world is privy to how big a jerk or how selfish your ex was. But even after four months of your breakup if you are still lashing out at him/her on Twitter and Facebook , it is definitely a sign that you are yet to get over your ex. And don’t forget the poem/song you wrote on being inspired by the breakup which by now has your friends inwardly groaning every time you share it with them.

Get back with your ex with this step-by-step guide.

You have your ex’s stuff lying at you place

OK, so you have been planning to have your ex’s stuff sent over, but simply did not get the time to do it. Or more likely you have been holding on to it in the hope that it will offer a final excuse to go around and meet him/her. And you know by heart all that there is in the box – a nightshirt, toothbrush, a CD of his/her favorite band, a bottle of perfume …


You are trying too hard

Very often you find yourself taking extra pains while dressing up in case you run into your ex. And when you do, you are that vivacious and extremely popular person he/she made the mistake of letting go. And you cannot stop revealing what a completely awesome time you are having since you have been single again. Not only there are friends to connect with, places to see, parties to attend but apparently every guy/girl want to take you out.  However remember that since you ex knows you better than most people, he/she may see through the bright façade and into the loneliness within.

You're always comparing your ex

You compare your ex to every new person that you go out with. If every date is turning into a mental exercise where you are busy totaling the plus and minus points of your present partner as compared to your ex, it is time to take stock of what is going on with you. You might not only measure your date on looks, status, wits and chemistry against your ex but even imagine how your ex would have responded to this particular situation or that particular joke.

You spy on your ex

In an attempt to know if your ex is seeing someone else, you can go to the extent of challenging the law as well. You snoop on his/her Facebook wall to see if anyone has left a flirtatious message, you hack into his/her phone calls and text messages using mobile spy softwares and even scour the Facebook pages of your ex’s mom, sister and close friends to get the faintest hint of a new person in your ex’s life. If you are doing all this and possibly more, it is time you took a reality check or you could find yourself in confronting a very angry ex and perhaps a law enforcement officer too.

You show no interest in the come-hither looks given by another girl/guy

While partners complain of the wandering gaze of their lovers, you – even as a free agent – cannot be bothered to respond to clear signals of interest from members of the opposite sex. This is as sure a sign as any that your ex continues to be the center of your world and that you cannot bear to think of getting hooked with someone else.

You continue to hold onto memories

You are keenly aware of the box that lies in the right bottom corner of your closet and which contains various mementos of your relationship. These not only include hand-written letters from your ex, photos from vacations that you took together, cards on your birthday but even the funny drawing on a table napkin that your ex made while waiting in that fancy restaurant and movie tickets from the time when you first kissed in a dark theater. While letting go of these remembrances may feel like giving up a part of yourself, you will feel better for it since it is a part that is already dead and merely weighing you down to the past.

You go out of your way to bump into your ex

You know when and where your ex is likely to be found at certain times in a day. So you may find yourself shopping for groceries in the same place frequented by your ex or having an espresso when you know he/she usually pops in for a bite. While there is not harm in running into an ex once in a while, strategically planning your movements in a day to bring it about seems taking things a bit far.

Everything reminds you of your ex

When you cannot sit through a TV program or listen to the FM without starting to reminisce what you and your ex listened and danced to or how you both loved and hated the same songs and actors, it is obvious that our world continues to revolve around him/her. Remember that there other people in the world who love you deeply and probably influenced your reference points even before your ex came into your life. So look up your parents, a favorite cousin or long time friends and you will learn how to be share happily again.

You are still hopeful of getting back together

While no one can tell what may happen in future, remember that if you both broke up, it must have been for a reason. Rarely do two sensible people agree to part ways if not for the realization that they can no longer go on together. And if this is what happened to you, stop holding onto the past since it is keeping you from moving towards the future.