Lobsters and their Aphrodisiac Quality - How Lobsters can Boost your Love Life

Aphrodisiacs are substances which are believed to stimulate sexual desire among humans. Such substances may range from foods and herbs to animal parts and marine creatures like lobsters. While popular notion of aphrodisiacs evoke a magically heightened effect on sexual performance, more often than not, the substances work by alleviating certain medical disorders and supplying nutrients essential for a healthy sex life.
Lobsters are a type of marine crustaceans which are popular as food for their texture and taste. Though several types of crustaceans can be scientifically called lobsters including clawless varieties like the slipper spiny lobster, in conventional usage the term usually refers to the clawed varieties.
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Lobsters as an aphrodisiac
The reputation of lobsters as an aphrodisiac probably lies in its ability to boost the overall health of the human body, including its sexual health. Lobsters are particularly rich source of nutrients like proteins, various groups of vitamins and minerals, all of which are necessary for the optimum functioning of the sexual organs.
Lobsters have always been known as rich sources of protein, including many essential amino acids. Every 100 grams of lobster meat gives around 20.5 grams of protein. This is important for men who want to build muscle mass to enhance their sexual appeal. For women intake of protein helps to repair damaged tissues and build stamina which are essential if they are to enjoy sex. More importantly protein has been shown to naturally boost levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two chemicals in the brain that heighten sensitivity during sex.
The best part about protein obtained from marine creatures like lobsters is that unlike animal protein like beef, they are healthy for the heart. Lobsters contain only minimal amounts of fat and absolutely no sugar. Every 100 grams of lobster meat has just 0.50 grams of fat, of which 0.107 grams is saturated, 0.091 monounsaturated and 0.16 is polyunsaturated fat. In fact consumption of lobsters may reduce cardiovascular disorders by lowering total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides as well as by supplying omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which are believed to be essential for a healthy heart. The human heart is primarily responsible for pumping oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body including the genitals and this makes cardiovascular health essential if one is to enjoy sex.
Lobsters, like many other edible marine creatures as oysters are loaded with vitamins and minerals. One of the most important among these is zinc which is beneficial for boosting the male libido and enhancing sexual performance in men. This is because zinc increases testosterone production and semen volume. Women’s sexual health too benefits from intake of zinc since the lack of mineral is associated with vaginal dryness. Every 100 grams of lobsters contain 15 mg of zinc which meets 150% of the recommendation for adults according to the USDA Nutrient database. Other than this a lobster also contains trace amounts of selenium which is known to aid sperm mobility and motility. Nearly 50% of all selenium in a man is found in the testes and seminal ducts. This makes intake of adequate selenium important for healthy sex life.
Besides these two minerals, lobsters contain significant amounts are calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The main use of these minerals is in maintaining healthy heart and bone function without which humans cannot be expected to enjoy sex to the maximum. Again lobsters are particularly rich in vitamins B2 or riboflavin, B3 or niacin and B6 besides having adequate amounts of Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid. All these vitamins are necessary for the optimum functioning of the sex hormones in the human body.
Finally the secret to lobsters’ love-boosting powers may lie is its appeal as a luxury item. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries when the nobles of Europe first discovered the gastronomic delights of lobsters, the creatures were extremely difficult to fish and transfer inland to the aristocratic dining halls. Very soon lobsters became known as a luxury food and associated with high life. And even though in the nineteenth century lobsters became the staple seafood among the poor of northeastern United States, since then it has regained much of its reputation. Today treating a loved one to bright red lobsters and its succulent flesh can imply an indulgence in sensual delights which may be an enjoyable precursor to a night of love.
Lobsters in recipes
Lobsters can be consumed in a number of ways but most seafood experts believe that they taste best when cooked in their shell. However for the less adventurous there are several easier ways to have lobster since lobster meat is readily available in canned or frozen form in most supermarkets. Lobster dishes can form the main course or its meat added to salads, sauces and soups.
Lobsters and side effects
Some people may be allergic to lobsters in which case consuming it might bring on rashes, itching and even breathlessness. Even those who are not allergic to this seafood, consuming them in large quantities may lead to stomach upset, nausea and vomiting. In May 2008, Health Canada issued an advisory on restricting the consumption of ‘tomalley’ or the loose green substance found in cooked lobsters. The ‘tomalley’ actually acts as the liver of a lobster and plays a role in filtering toxins. Eating the tomalley could cause exposure to the paralytic shellfish toxin, according to the Canadian health watchdog. Symptoms of a mild exposure include a tingling sensation or numbness of the lips shortly after eating. More serious side-effects include muscular paralysis, choking, even death. However Health Canada added that there were no restrictions on eating lobster meat.
The history of lobster as an aphrodisiac can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology. Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of beauty and sexual love, lent her name to the term aphrodisiacs which came to include all those substances thought to enhance sexual experience in humans. In the same mythology, Aphrodite was believed to have emerged from the sea. Thus all creatures of the sea including lobsters were thought to be her playthings in the game of love and consequently embodying some of her powers of inducing love among humans.
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