Celery as an Aphrodisiac for Men

Ever since ancient times, mankind has believed that certain foods may help stimulate sexual desire both among men and women. Known as aphrodisiacs such foods may heighten sexual arousal either by suggestive shapes and scents or by helping to optimize the action of sex hormones and organs in the body. Celery is one food which is thought to do both and thus act as a libido booster, especially for men.
About celery
Botanically known as Apium graveolens, celery is a plant of the Apiaceae family. It is used around the world as a vegetable, either for its crisp leafstalk or the fleshy taproot.
How celery works as an aphrodisiac
Celery has figured as an important male aphrodisiac since centuries in Europe. While the origin of its reputation as a libido booster may have to do with its resemblance to the male phallus, modern scientific investigation into the vegetable’s properties shows that it indeed includes many chemicals and nutrients which may help the body to enjoy sex.
TIP: Read about the Man Diet which boosts the stamina of men!
Recent studies reveal that celery contains androsterone, one of the most potent of the male pheromones. Researchers believe that androsterone is released from the male body through sweating even though it cannot be actually smelt on the body. Androsterone is in fact a product of the metabolism of testosterone and possibly an important link in the chain of the breakdown of the male androgen hormones into chemicals like andro-pheromones, androstenone and androstenol, all of which are known to play a crucial role in sexually arousing women. For this reason consuming adequate amounts of raw celery may increase the natural production of these pheromones and make a man sexually attractive to members of the opposite sex.
According to some studies, the chemical compounds in celery affect the pituitary gland which is the primary gland regulating the levels and actions of sex hormones in the body. Yet other sources believe that celery affects the supra-renal glands which regulate the release of corticosteroid hormones like adrenalin and noradrenalin. The actual effect of celery needs to be investigated in more detail, but if present studies are any indication, then consumption of celery in the right quantities may help to alleviate any hormonal disorder which may be interfering with the normal sexual life of a person. In this way too celery can be seen acting as an aphrodisiacal aid, treating sexual disorders and promoting better sex.
Celery is a low-calorie and high-fiber vegetable – ideal for people who are facing problems in their sexual life because of obesity and weight disorders. Celery in fact is 83% water and therefore a perfect snack to munch on, when on a diet. The fact that it contains small quantities of essential minerals like sodium, calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus as well as Vitamins like A, B and C makes it an even healthier choice. Besides helping with one’s sex life, the right body weight is also crucial for a healthy heart, management of diabetes, lowering of blood pressure and overall physical well-being.
Finally celery has been used in folk medicine for ages for a variety of therapeutic purposes. It is believed to help with disorders of the digestive system like dropsy besides acting as an expectorant and providing relief in cases of bronchitis and asthma. According to some sources, celery is particularly beneficial for diabetes since it contains a compound similar to insulin and hence important for management of blood sugar levels. Celery is also thought to help to ease stress and anxiety because of its relaxing effects on the nervous system.
How Celery is used
As a vegetable, the stalk of celery is added to salads and soups and used as a herbal flavoring in a number of dishes. In folk medicine, almost every part of the plant is used in some way but some believe that it is the seeds which hold the secret of its aphrodisiacal power. Celery seeds contain a volatile oil, much valued in perfume and pharmaceutical industry but also used to flavor or season foods. Celery seeds are difficult to come across in the natural state but these days they are widely available in health food or gourmet food stores. From the rhizome and the roots of celery, a juice is made which is believed to be a strengthening tonic. Herbalists recommend that 100-200 ml of the juice be taken every day for best results. The leaves of the celery plant have been used to make a tea for which around one cup of boiling water is poured on 20 45 grams of the leaves and then made to stand for ten minutes. One teaspoon of the tea may be taken three to four times over the entire day. The leaves and leaf stalks of celery have also been known to be crushed and applied externally in order to provide relief from rheumatism.
Possible side effects of using celery
There have been no known toxic effects of celery on humans. However as with any food, excessive consumption may lead to digestive troubles. Moreover if the body is saturated with one particular food, it may develop a repulsion for it and be unable to tolerate in future. Thus for best results, one must consume celery – or any other nutritious food, for that matter – in suitable quantities and make it a part of one’s regular diet.
There are many interesting anecdotes from history which testify to the significance that celery has always enjoyed as an aphrodisiac. While the Romans were believed to have dedicated celery to Pluto, their God of Sex, famous Italian lover Casanova is supposed to have made it a regular part of his daily diet in order to boost his libido. Again, a quote discovered by Grimod de la Reyniere, in the eighteenth century says that “It is enough to stress that [celery] is not in any way a salad for bachelors”, Indicating its powers of arousing illicit sexual desire. However, the reputation of celery as a potent love aid is not only based on myth and history but on sound science as modern research is now increasingly finding out.
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