Pygeum as an Aphrodisiac for Men

Ever since the dawn of human civilization certain substances have been known to enhance sexual desire or improve the quality of sexual experience. Known as aphrodisiacs, these substances may either act directly to stimulate erotic sensations or indirectly by alleviating certain disorders hindering sexual pleasure. Pygeum belongs to the latter class of substances whose reputed aphrodisiacal qualities for men may owe to its beneficial effect on several systems of the body.
About pygeum
The herb reputed to have healing and aphrodisiacal properties refers to the bark of the tree Pygeum africanum which as the botanical name indicates is originally found in the continent of Africa, particularly in the elevated regions of the central and southern parts. The pygeum tree is a large evergreen and a member of the Rosacea family. The tree bears reddish or brownish fruits resembling plums after flowering in summer which is why pygeum is also known as African plum, African prune, natal tree or as alumty, iluo or kirah.
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Pygeum as an aphrodisiac for men
The most important use of pygeum among men is in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate. BPH which generally occurs with aging makes it difficult for men to pass urine besides causing other uncomfortable symptoms. In conventional medicine, treatment for enlarged prostate has been either surgery or medication. In the former, a part of the enlarged prostate is removed so that normal urinary flow is restored. However this also involves removal of certain nerves passing through the prostate which may play a useful role in sexual stimulation. Medication for reducing an enlarged prostate like Proscar may again have side effects like erectile or sexual dysfunction. Herbal supplements like pygeum on the other hand may prove equally beneficial in reducing an enlarged prostate without adverse effects on the male libido. In this regard, pygeum works as an aphrodisiac in a double-pronged manner – by helping to reduce an enlarged prostate and thus alleviate a range of urinary problems associated with the condition like painful urination, incomplete emptying of the bladder, after dribbling as well as weak interrupted urine flow. Unless these painful or at least annoying symptoms are removed, one cannot take pleasure in sex. At the same time, the herb does not interfere with the normal hormonal processes in the gland so that a person can achieve and maintain an erection, unlike in certain cases of oral medication for enlarged prostate.
It is still not completely clear how pygeum works to reduce an enlarged prostate but it is thought that the herb contains certain chemicals which may interfere with receptor sites. The endocrine system of the body works via receptor sites. Thus theorectically one can influence a hormonal process in two ways – either by interfering with the particular hormone or by interfering with its receptor sites. Some studies have suggested that herbs like pygeum africanum may help in reducing enlarged prostate by interfering with the receptor sites for dihydrotesterone. According to other studies, active ingredients present in pygeum bark like lipophilec (fat soluble) constituents, phytosterols and especially terpennes may have anti-inflammatory properties which may help in treating enlarged prostates. Studies have also shown that the effectiveness of pygeum in reducing an enlarged prostate increases when it is combined with certain other herbs like saw palmetto and stinging nettle.
According to some sources, use of pygeum may also be beneficial in the prevention as well as reduction of symptoms related to prostate cancer and chronic prostatis. These conditions impose severe hindrance to the enjoyment of sex and any substance which offers relief from such symptoms indirectly work as an aphrodisiac.
In traditional medicine, pygeum has long been used to treat male infertility as well as impotence. The herb is thought to help in achieving as well as maintaining erection among men, besides alleviating erectile disorders. This may be due to the presence of active ingredients like terpenes, N-docasanol and beta-sitaosterol in the bark of the pygeum tree. Though there have not been sufficient modern research in its effect on humans, some studies have found that among mice, the use of pygeum leads to an increase in the volume and viability of sperm in semen.
Pygeum use
The bark of the pygeum tree contains oil which contains most of the beneficial properties. The bark is thus powdered and made into capsules or a liquid extract. The usual dosage for pygeum is 50 to 200 mg daily in single or divided doses. Research has proved that the efficacy of the herb remains the same whether taken in a single dose or divided in separate doses through the day. This means that a dose of 100 mg would be as effective as two daily doses of 50 mg each.
Possible side effects of using pygeum
Severe side effects of pygeum are unlikely if sticking to the recommended dosage. Yet in some cases people have reported experiencing visual disturbances, dizziness, and nausea as well as digestive disorders like constipation, diarrhea and stomach discomfort on taking the herb. There have not been enough medical research on the safety of pygeum intake during pregnancy and so the herb is best avoided by expectant mothers. Pygeum is also not recommended for persons below 18 years of age and may even be harmful if taken by children. Finally pygeum may optimize the action of prescription drugs or other herbal supplements being taken for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. For this reason, one should be careful while adding pygeum to any medicinal regimen for BPH or other prostate condition.
For centuries Pygeum figured as an important ingredient in treatment of male sexual problems among tribes in Southern Africa. It was only with the arrival of colonialism and discovery of traditional medicinal herbs that pygeum began to be used in Europe from the 1700s. Now with increasing research into its healing properties, pygeum is gaining popularity not only as a safe natural alternative for treatment of prostate conditions but also for enhancing overall sexual experience among men.
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