Uranus Aspects Mars - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Uranus Aspects Mars – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

In good aspect, energy, impulse, activity, and power, manifesting through matters signified by the houses involved, qualified by the signs. The mind is generally very alert and quick to act; the will is vigorous and emphatic; a good deal of determination and energy are thrown into whatever is undertaken. The tendency is to increase the mental pride and The native is original, enterprising, resourceful, and practical in those matters involved by the aspect; ambitious, difficult to turn aside or thwart, and in general gets his own way. The aspect increases the will-power, mental activity, and positiveness of character. It is allied to wit, sarcasm, irony, and destructive criticism. In psychic matters it interferes with the development of those gifts that are promoted by passivity, such as mediumship, clairvoyance, trance, etc., but inclines to those requiring mental activity and a positive will.

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In bad aspect, there is the same energy, will-power, and positiveness, but acting erratically, unwisely, imprudently. There is apt to be much spasmodic self-will, lack of mental balance and sobriety of judgment, intolerance of opposition or control, dislike of all restraint. It signifies unfortunate events that come about with startling suddenness; and it tends to disturb and upset all matters signified by the houses involved. This position strongly predisposes to physical violence if either planet is angular, and is in any case of a turbulent character, needing strong self-discipline on the part of the native to overcome its evil influence.