Uranus Aspects Venus - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Uranus Aspects Venus – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

In good aspect, gives many friends and acquaintances, increases the popularity, and sometimes gives an attractive and magnetic personality. The love of beauty is increased, the emotions are lifted up towards the intellect, and there may be ability for music, poetry, art, etc., or liking for any of these. It brings good fortune through friends and the public, and success through any occupation or pursuit signified by either planet. The love nature is increased, and it tends to promote happiness in marriage if other testimonies concur. It conduces to worldly prosperity in a general way, but mainly through such matters as are governed by the two planets.

In bad aspect, friends and acquaintances and especially the opposite sex cause trouble. Love matters are involved, marriage hindered, and sometimes scandal threatened. There is, in some cases, fickleness in love, broken promises and vows; or the native may suffer from these at the hands of the lover or marriage partner. It tends to bring trouble or loss through the occupations governed by either planet.