Uranus Aspects Moon - Conjunct, Sextile,Trine and Square

Uranus Aspects Moon – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

In good aspect, generally inclines to one or more of the Uranian studies or occupations, and brings considerable success through them, whether followed as a private hobby or a public occupation. When the native does not take up such matters himself, he is generally brought into contact with those who do, and the result is for his interest or profit. If in a man's horoscope, he may marry a wife having these tastes, or form friendships with such people. In a woman's horoscope, she may benefit in health from uncommon methods of medical treatment, mesmeric or otherwise. It favours travelling.

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In bad aspect and in a man's horoscope, the influence is bad for marriage and the family; troubles and irregularities of all sorts follow, from mere disappointment in love to separation or the formation of irregular attachments. In a woman's horoscope, it is not good for health and if the Moon is in a hylegiacal position, it is bad in this respect with either sex. With females, it is bad for childbirth and the children and home life; and the emotions and feelings are apt to be erratic, fickle, changeable and irregular. There will be trouble, bad luck, or loss from any Uranian occupation that may be taken up. It will unite with any other influence in upsetting the nervous system and causing mental disturbances of various kinds, from mere nervousness up to more serious irregularities. It tends to upset the stomach and digestive system. There is trouble or danger from the water and any place or occupation of the Moon. Any aspect is likely to cause either travelling or changes of residence, good or bad, and perhaps also changes of occupation.