What are Belgian Men Like - Dating Guys from Belgium
Belgium is a small country in Western Europe that is bordered by larger neighbors like Germany and France. And yet it is has its own political, financial and cultural importance as evident from the fact that the Belgian capital city Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union parliament. Also Belgians enjoy a high quality of life. So if you are keen to meet and date men from Belgium, here is a brief account of what you can expect.
TIP: This website has many millionaire Belgian men looking for women to date.
Diversity in culture
When getting to know a Belgian guy, ensure that you have done some background research on the country, its culture and its people. This is not only so that you come off as well-informed but because unlike say Austria or Denmark, Belgium is not a homogenous country with one national identity. Each area of Belgium is likely to have its own particularities. In general the three predominant cultures exist in the country – towards the north, the region is known as Flanders with primarily Dutch influence. The southern part is known as Wallonia and is mainly French culturally while the northeast has more of German influence. Because of these variations, Belgium has three official languages French, Dutch and German. Wallon is used by 33% of population while Flemish, the local variant of Dutch, is used by more than 60% of the population, and is spoken in the northern part of the country.
Sticklers for neatness
One of the most significant traits of Belgian society is the high regard to neatness and order. This is evident both in their personal appearance as well as social context. Thus unlike men from some cultures where sporting a two-day stubble and grubby nails is a masculine thing, men in Belgium are very particular about their grooming. They are neatly and yet fashionably turned out with their sense of style probably a French influence. Thus here like their female counterparts, men take great pride in their appearance and some are even keen followers of styles and trends in the world of fashion. In this context the image of the most famous Belgian of detective fiction, Hercule Poirot comes to mind. But while his concern for his luxuriant mustache and natty suits may be something of a delightful exaggeration, the interest that Belgian men profess in their appearance is a positive thing. So if you are keen to impress your Belgian guy, don’t be under the impression that torn jeans and crumpled tees make for an attractive ‘casual’ look. Rather be turned out in smart yet feminine dresses so that your guy notices and appreciates your sense of style.
Likewise Belgians are extremely particular about cleanliness in their surroundings. Indeed neatness is a matter of national pride and here even well-off men can be seen washing the pavement or steps in front of their house or even sweeping the street. So in your social interactions with a Belgian guy, take care not to appear slovenly and careless in your habits or manners since these convey an impression of irresponsibility and are unattractive to Belgians. Yet another aspect of their regard for order is punctuality. Belgians like to stick to the time for appointments and turning up late is a mark of rudeness and lack of responsibility. So if you your Belgian boyfriend is coming to pick you up for a date, make sure you get ready well ahead in time. If you are still fussing with your hair while your date is already at your doorstep, you are unlikely to be come across as cutely indecisive but more likely as careless and unpunctual.
A foodie to the core
Belgians have a highly developed artistic sense which is evident not only in their paintings and architecture but in their cuisine as well. For them preparing and laying out food is a fine art and its consumption is no less than appreciation of an aesthetic venture. Thus you can count on your Belgian guy to take you to the places where the best chocolates and finest liquor are served. But while you are out on a dinner date with him take special care of your table manners. Don’t wolf down your food no matter how hungry you are after all that walking. Rather take your time to appreciate the food and better still appear dainty and ladylike in your table manners. Also remember that one of the easiest way to reach a Belgian guy’s heart is through his stomach; thus practice your waffles till they turn out perfect and then watch your guy beam with pleasure as he tastes the crisp, golden piece of heaven; However be careful not to smother the waffles with honey or maple syrup in American style but rather serve it with chocolate or whipped cream as the Belgians are used to.
Hard-working and prudent
Belgian men are not believed to be the most passionate or even imaginative of lovers. Indeed to women who are more used to the informal and spontaneous ways of south European or Latin cultures, Belgian men can even seem distant and formal. But don’t worry if your Belgian boyfriend seems to be taking forever to make his mind up about you. This is perhaps his way of making sure of what kind of partner he wants in life and whether he is ready to move forward in a relationship. It is common for Belgians to consider all aspects before taking a decision and your boyfriend may be no different.
However what your Belgian guy may be lacking in fire and passion, he will most likely make up with this hard working and stolid nature. Belgians, particularly from the Flemish region, are believed to be a hard working lot and you can trust your partner to do his best to provide you with the comforts and security you need once he decides that you are the woman for him.
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