How to Improve your Skin Naturally

Skincare has come a long way since the time when you were told to keep your face clean and use a cream at night. Today the market is flooded with lotions, packs and scrubs which not only claim to keep you glowing but turn back the clock of your skin as well. However most of these are not only exorbitantly-priced but pose the threat of allergies and side-effects since they heavily depend on chemicals. So if you are interested in cost-effective as well as safe ways to improve your skin, take a look at these natural tips.

Eat right

The skin is after all one of the major organs of the human body and like the others, it needs the right kind of nutrition to stay healthy. As nutritionists never tire of saying, include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, particularly those which are red, green, purple and orange in color. The more colorful the fruits and vegetables you eat, the higher your intake of anti-oxidants which combat harmful free radicals responsible for the damaging effects of aging on the skin. Thus the vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants in your diet are essential for a healthy skin, without which a beautiful, glowing skin is well nigh impossible.

Get up and going

Along with the right diet, you need to follow a regular workout schedule as well. Exercise has an immediate positive effect on the skin – when you work out, you automatically boost the circulatory system of the body, leading to a healthy flush on your skin. in the long term, effective circulation helps the blood to carry essential nutrients to the skin cells, thus replenishing the decayed cells and regenerating new ones. Also regular exercise helps to keep your body weight to the ideal level, thus preventing a number of skin ailments like cellulites or acne which may be aggravated by high fat intake. Above all working out will give your skin a tighter, toned look which will enhance its overall health and appearance.

Drink it up

over the day, your body loses water as a result of various activities which not only include going out to work or shop but also physical exertion due to domestic chores, working out in the gym and even drinking beverages like coffee and soda. It is important to replenish this lost moisture from within so that you don’t get dehydrated and end up with dry, patchy-looking skin. While contemporary nutritionists debunk the earlier theory about drinking seven liters of water each day, you still need to have enough water to keep your body well hydrated and your skin supple and healthy.

Keep the sun at bay

Sunlight is essential for the processing of Vitamin D in the human body and, according to some researchers, even for creating a happy, positive mental state. However too much of a good thing can be bad and today skin experts warn that sun’s rays are the foremost cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. So use a sunscreen on a regular basis, even on cloudy days and during winter. This is because the harmful UV rays are not stopped from reaching your skin by a cloud cover and the only way prevent the damage that they can cause is by using a sunscreen.

Quit smoking

Here is another reason why you should throw away the cancer stick. Among all the organs that smoking can harm directly, is also the skin. Put in the simplest way, smoking restricts the oxygen-rich blood supply to the skin cells, thus reducing its ability to regenerate and build new cells. The result is drier skin, more wrinkles and earlier aging as compared to people who don’t smoke. So if you want healthy and younger-looking skin naturally, one of the quickest ways is to stop loading your system with toxins found in cigarettes.

Go back to Mother Nature

Even after you make all the right lifestyle and dietary choices, your skin may still need something more to look youthful and healthy - in effect, a regular skincare regimen of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. however while your friends pick up expensive lotions off the shelves of cosmetic stores, you can obtain equally if not more effective results by making use of natural ingredients. To cleanse your skin, use cold milk dipped in cotton wool and gently wipe your face in circular movements. Rose water makes an excellent natural skin toner or you can simply splash cold water after the cleansing routine to close your pores. the choice of a moisturizer should be determined by the nature of your skin; if you have dry skin, pure almond oil is sure to keep it soft and glowing while light olive well will moisturize normal to oily skin without leaving it too greasy. Exfoliation is another important part of skincare routine since helps clear the deal cells from the skin surface and other debris which cannot be removed by a simple cleansing routine. If these substances are allowed to remain on the epidermis, it can lead to blocked pores and consequently skin eruptions. Also by making possible a deeper level of skin cleansing, exfoliation also makes it easy for newer skin cells to grow thus giving the face a younger and fresher look. You can use ground almonds or oat meal with milk for a natural exfoliating pack. However need not exfoliate your skin every day – that would in fact wash away the natural oils of the skin – just twice a week should be enough.

Keep stress at bay

While contemporary society offers more opportunities and resources for self-growth than ever before, one often has to pay the price in the form of acute stress. And an inevitable effect of all this stress over the years is an exhausted and haggard-looking appearance which does nothing to hide the impact of advancing years. So one of the most important things you can do to look younger is to avoid stress and anxiety as much as possible. Cosmetologists will point out that being stressed at the time will lead to fine lines on your forehead but more than that, lack of sleep and unhealthy eating habits will cause the greater and long-term damage.  So get adequate sleep which, depending on the needs of your body, may range from seven to nine hours. Again since some amount of stress at work or home is unavoidable, look for ways and means you can minimize being negatively affected by them. Meditate, pick up a relaxing hobby or go for long walks – calm and refresh your mind in anyway you can. And once you feel contented and peaceful from inside, the effects are bound to be evident in a younger looking you on the outside.