How to Have Radiant Skin Naturally
Today there are a mind-boggling variety of skincare and makeup products on store shelves which claim to solve every kind of skin problem, ranging from relatively simpler ones like tired looking complexion to more complex ones like dark circles under the eyes. However the most effective way to look good is to adopt a regimen that requires no makeup at all and instead relies on a healthy skin to get that radiant look.
Eat right
While women are willing to spend a bomb on cosmetics and lotions, the solution to glowing skin may be closer than you think – right in your kitchen. Fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, good fats and whole grains are all loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that are essential for a healthy skin. In fact when shopping for veggies, select those which are red, green, purple and orange in color. The more colorful the fruits and vegetables you eat, the higher your intake of anti-oxidants which combat harmful free radicals responsible for the damaging effects of aging on the skin. Certain varieties of fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna are the best way to consume healthy facts like omega 3 which is known to keep the skin supple and moisturized. Oysters are loaded with the mineral zinc has an equally beneficial effect on skin since it strengthens nails and hair besides aiding in skin renewal and repair – cellular processes which are crucial for the maintenance of glowing skin. Then again, nuts like almonds are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, the ingredient commonly found in many facial creams and cosmetics, since this particular vitamin is known acts as an antioxidant that helps to protect skin cells from UV light and other environmental factors that generate cell-damaging free radicals. Other sources of vitamin E include wheatgerm, wholegrains, avocados and sweet potatoes. So the next time you are tempted to reach for overpriced lotions, you can simply munch on almonds for a mid-day snack or crush and sprinkle them on your cereals for breakfast. Like nuts, edible seeds are also a rich source of vitamin E but many of them have additional nutritional benefits - flaxseed and sunflower seeds for instance are high in omega-3 fatty acids which are supposed to erase spots and iron out fine lines. Researchers believe that the fats do this by buffering the body's response to irritation and attracting water to skin cells, thereby plumping up the skin and making it glow. Finally don’t forget that wonder food egg – an important source of selenium which protects cells from free radical damage and helps counter dry skin, thus keeping it supple and glowing. Besides this, selenium works with vitamin E to support the immune system, so can help fight infection and keep the skin healthy. If you are allergic to egg, try cereals, meat, offal, seafood, cheese, mushrooms, Brazil nuts, molasses, beans, wholegrains and wheatgerm for other sources of selenium. Finally round off the perfect diet for radiant skin with a piece of dark chocolate which contains a class of anti-oxidants known as flavonols, known to reduce roughness in the skin and protect against sun damage. However like all good things, moderation is key here too since excessive amounts of chocolate will pile on sugar and eventually lead to breakouts and weight gain, making all the good work of salads and fruits come undone.
Drink it up
Over the day, your body loses water as a result of various activities which not only include going out to work or shop but also physical exertion due to domestic chores, working out in the gym and even drinking beverages like coffee and soda. It is important to replenish this lost moisture from within so that you don’t get dehydrated and end up with dry, patchy-looking skin. While contemporary nutritionists debunk the earlier theory about drinking seven liters of water each day, you still need to have enough water to keep your body well hydrated and your skin supple and healthy.
Get up and going
Along with the right diet, you need to follow a regular workout schedule as well. Exercise has an immediate positive effect on the skin – when you work out, you automatically boost the circulatory system of the body, leading to a healthy flush on your skin which gives it a radiant look. In the long term, effective circulation helps the blood to carry essential nutrients to the skin cells, thus replenishing the decayed cells and regenerating new ones. Also regular exercise helps to keep your body weight to the ideal level, thus preventing a number of skin ailments like cellulitis or acne which may be aggravated by high fat intake. Above all working out will give your skin a tighter, toned look which will enhance its overall health and appearance.
Don’t skimp on sleep
Most of the regenerative work of the skin is done when the body is at deep rest, that is during the night. So if you are working till late into the night or partying till the wee hours of morning, the lack of sleep is bound to show up on your face with perhaps dark circles under the eyes and a general look of exhaustion that no amount of foundation can conceal. The only way to stop this from happening is to get adequate sleep which can vary between seven to eight hours, depending on your body’s requirements.
Say no to sun damage
Sunlight is essential for the processing of Vitamin D in the human body and, according to some researchers, even for creating a happy, positive mental state. However too much of a good thing can be bad and today skin experts warn that sun’s rays are the foremost cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. So use a sunscreen on a regular basis, even on cloudy days and during winter. This is because the harmful UV rays are not stopped from reaching your skin by a cloud cover and the only way prevent the damage that they can cause is by using a sunscreen.
Regular skincare
While a good diet and preventing sun damage can delay the aging process, in order to keep it radiant, you need to follow a regular routine of skincare. If you do nothing else, make it a point to at least cleanse your skin every day. This will remove the dirt and excess oil from the surface which if allowed to remain, can clog the pores and lead various skin conditions like blackheads and whiteheads. But for this it is best to go for a gentle cleanser - whether gel or cream-based - since the epidermal layer in women is more delicate and hence more vulnerable to damage by chemical ingredients present in a soap. However if you wish to go completely natural, Apply just a few drops of oil (jojoba, olive, argan, almond, apricot kernel, evening primrose on a moistened cotton pad and gently wipe across your face without rubbing. You can do the same with natural yoghurt or buttermilk and then Splash with water afterwards. On the other hand if you have very oily skin, you can use orris root powder or chickpea powder to gently cleanse your skin. Rose water makes an excellent natural skin toner or you can simply splash cold water after the cleansing routine to close your pores. The choice of a moisturizer should be determined by the nature of your skin; if you have dry skin, pure almond oil is sure to keep it soft and glowing while light olive well will moisturize normal to oily skin without leaving it too greasy. Exfoliation is another important part of skincare routine since helps clear the deal cells from the skin surface and other debris which cannot be removed by a simple cleansing routine. If these substances are allowed to remain on the epidermis, it can lead to blocked pores and consequently skin eruptions. Also by making possible a deeper level of skin cleansing, exfoliation also makes it easy for newer skin cells to grow thus giving the face a younger and fresher look. You can use ground almonds or oat meal with milk for a natural exfoliating pack. However need not exfoliate your skin every day – that would in fact wash away the natural oils of the skin – just twice a week should be enough.
Finally, follow a healthy lifestyle. Apart from doing the right things to get glowing skin, you also need to avoid habits that reflect poorly upon your appearance. Smoking and excessive intake of alcohol are the most common causes of long term damage to the major organs of the body, including the skin. While avoiding such habits, also adopt relaxing rituals that would calm your mind and refresh you from within. A healthy body and a contented soul are bound to reflect on the exterior and give you a younger, radiant look.
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