10 Fruits that will Improve Your Skin Complexion

While contemporary beauty norms have evolved from the previous bias against dark skin, still a naturally glowing skin is universally sought after. But while makeup can provide a temporary fix to your skin problems, ultimately the only lasting solution remains to improve your skin from within. And for this your skin needs the right nutrients to stay and look healthy. So if you too wish to have a glowing and younger-looking skin, make sure that the next time you stop to buy fruits, the following items are on your shopping list.

  1. Blueberries

    Berries are rich sources of antioxidants which help the body to fight the effects of aging internally as well as externally. Antioxidants are chemicals which protect the body from damage by free radicals and hence help it to look and feel younger for a longer period of time. Actually berries gain their antioxidant property from the presence of a complex of chemicals known as anthocyanins which also give the fruits its rich dark color. Thus include as much berries as possible in your diet, especially the purples and reds like blueberries, blackberries, cranberries and strawberries. Among the berries, one of the highest concentrations of anthocyanins is found in cranberries, bilberries and blueberries – the last of which has been ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to 40 common fruits and vegetables.
  2. Papaya

    Nutritionists repeatedly point out the benefits of a varied diet of fruits and vegetables rather than focusing on two or three items. Thus expand your list of colored fruits from reds and purples to yellows and oranges since the latter includes fruits which are rich sources of beta carotene. An excellent example is the Papaya which is loaded with carotenoids, considered one of the most potent fighting tools against the ravages of time, especially as evident on the skin. The Vitamin A which forms the core ingredient of carotenoids “helps prevent the overproduction of cells in the skin's outer layer," according to Howard Murad, M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine1. Since this is where dead cells and sebum combine, overproduction can lead to clogged pores and skin outbreaks. Apart from this vitamin A has also been known to reduce the development of skin-cancer cells. On top of containing beta-carotene, this tropical fruit also has antioxidants, vitamin C, flavonoids, folate, potassium, magnesium and fiber – all ingredients that firm up skin and prevent sagging.
  3. Oranges

    Oranges like other Citrus fruits including grapefruit, lemons and limes contain high levels of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This vitamin is vital to the production of collagen, a protein that provides skin with structure and gives it its firmness and strength. Healthy collagen keeps your face free from wrinkles and sagging. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, and the researchers believe that it may be able to prevent destruction of vitamin E, which protects cell membranes from damage. To add more vitamin C to your diet, have an orange or grapefruit with your breakfast. Again in summer, squeeze some lemon or lime into your water for a burst of refreshing flavor.
  4. Apple

    Fruits not only help the skin to keep looking great by adding nutrients to the body but also by ensuring that toxins are flushed out. And a great way of doing this is to include fruits like apples in your diet which have high content of dietary fiber2. Apart from keeping bowel movements regular and thus getting rid of toxins from the body, fiber also plays an important role in keeping body weight in control. fiber-rich foods keeps the body feeling full for longer periods of time and thus prevent snacking and putting on weight which can have a negative effect on skin by showing up as double chin, cellulite and outbreaks.
  5. Bananas

    Some fruits like bananas are naturally sweet which can satisfy the body’s desire for sugar. Sugar promotes inflammation, which can cause damage to your skin in the form of outbreaks. Hence consuming limited portions of fruits like bananas will keep the sugar cravings in check and thus prevent the damaging effects of processed sugar. Other fruits which are naturally sweet are apples, pears, dates and raspberries.
  6. Avocado

    If your skin is dry, you might want to add avocado to your diet. Apart from being loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, avocadoes are rich sources of monounsaturated fats3, which is typically considered a "good" fat. Monounsaturated fats are essential for your skin, because they help moisturize it and replace oil that gets washed away during your cleansing routine. But since avocadoes are high in calories, do not overindulge. Too much fat, even the healthy kind, can lead to weight gain. Add avocado to your diet in small amounts by using it as a garnish or salad topping instead of eating a bowl of guacamole with tortilla chips.
  7. Tomatoes

    Though classified as a vegetable for culinary purposes, tomatoes are botanically actually fruits. Apart from making them look attractive in salads, the redness of tomatoes hides immensely beneficial properties. Lycopene, the phytochemical that makes tomatoes red, helps eliminate skin-aging free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays. Best of all, your body gains the most sun-shielding nutrients when tomatoes are cooked or processed - just a half-cup of cooked tomatoes or pasta sauce has 16 milligrams of lycopene - unlike many other vegetables which lose vitamins when cooked or some fruits which diminish in Vitamin C even upon being peeled and cut. Watermelon and pink grapefruit are other rich sources of lycopene among fruits.
  8. Cherries

    The cherry is yet another fruit which is as healthy in nutrients as attractive as it looks. Iron is a major component of hemoglobin in human body. Cherry contains a high content of iron which is eating adequate amounts of this fruit can effectively improve the complexion of your skin. Again red fruits like cherries are a good source of bioflavonoid known as quercetin; Studies prove that quercetin offers tremendous antioxidant benefits, along with strong anti-inflammatory effects.  However, it is best to consume limited amounts of cherry since the excessive absorption of cyanogens contained in cherry can cause iron poisoning.
  9. Strawberries

    Besides looking appealing in ice-creams and cheesecakes, strawberry brings a whole lot of benefits for the skin too. It contains a lot of amino acids, glucose, citric acid, pectin, carotene, vitamin B complex, nicotinic acid and mineral substances – all of which are useful in improving skin complexion. The tannic acid in strawberry can help you resist cancer and tartaric acid, vitamins and mineral substances can strengthen the elasticity of skin and keep your skin moist.
  10. Red Grapes

    In recent times the health benefits of drinking red wine have been in the news, particularly as it helps the heart. This is based on the presence of a compound known as resveratrol in the skin of red grapes; Difficult to obtain in its purest form, Resveratrol is now considered to contain one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants which apart from keeping arteries unclogged, may also help prevent skin aging. Thus munching on red grapes and sipping red wine can help your skin look brighter and younger than ever.


  1. Today Health - The perfect skin diet: 10 foods for your face
  2. Tufts University - "Fiber." July 1, 2009. (Sept. 24, 2009)
  3. WebMD - "The Avacado Advantage." Aug. 14, 2000. (Sept. 24, 2009)